Excellent sharable infographic by Liz Artistry, a featured illustrator with the From the Periphery media collective (https://fromtheperiphery.com/lizartistry/):
@daliamohisen has been sharing with us her family's ordeal in Gaza for months now.
She has a Gofundme setup to help them escape, and it's almost full! Only 2166 more to go! Can you help, and share this?
This may be selfish, but i would really like to be able to think that i made a difference for at least one family. And then i could make a difference for another one. And another one. All this despite my country's inaction, which is a deep shame.
Unsurprising that police tip rewards are in fact a scam that require jumping through all manner of hoops to collect. All the more reason to not snitch.
Fundraising for a laptop because ours almost caught fire and I'm stuck home, boost appreciated please
Hey friends,
Edit: We're at 800/712€, thank you for your help!
Bills are paid, but we're still fundraising for a laptop since we don't have one anymore.
If you want + can help financially, here is our GoFundMe where everything is explained:
A single boost or even 1€ would be very helpful, thank you so much! Take care.
Something we hadn't expected but should have, as Assad's blood-soaked house of cards collapses in on itself, is that the fuckers who have built personal brands promoting and whitewashing this genocidal regime for a decade-plus, pushing denialist narratives cooked up in Damascus and Moscow, will try and pivot and pretend like they were with the Syrian people all along.
Do not forget or forgive these spineless, mercenary, lying human turds.
I'm giving up on my original goal of securing a car before I move, because being in this town is severely affecting my mental health. Please read and share if you can.
UPDATE: Someone completed my GoFundMe but I had to use that money to catch up on bills and invest in myself so I can start making money independently again.
Edit- as I save my own money/pay bills where I live, I'll be adding and taking from this fund!
Þufie BLM ~ ~
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Reluctant moderator on social.pixie.town
or fae/faer/faerself most online member of the system
#yesbot #nobot #noarchive I'm in my 20s, as a Computer Science researcher (Not in "AI" 🙄).
.אין דין ואין דיין. שלום בעולם
Programmer and IT girl. Pseudo-vegan for the environment (-avocados +oysters). Very uncomfortable with astrology. Please don't call me "dude", "bro", "man", etc. Radical egalitarian anarchist, hierarchies and hate are incompatible with a free and equal life . For real though, I'm not gonna tell you to vote or post about political spectacle that is outside our control and in-actionable. Aiming to have a similar amount of internal contradictions as my environment like Ashby's Law of Requisite variety. I am probably stoned on some variety and dosage of cannabinoids if I am awake if you hate stoners just dni. I am also a trans woman so I *checks notes* meme about femininity and feminization sometimes. After dark account at: @thufieplus but read my bio there before sending a follow request even if we are already mutuals here. Oh and just to be clear because I think I see other white people on here trying to fake not being white under a bunch of other text, I'm just a disoriented white girl trying her best.
Relationship Anarchist
"Freedom" 0 is bullshit! Copyleft for subversion! Fuck RMS!
So try...
A list of licenses which respect OUR freedom:
programming languages? C++ C MIPS x86 a few others :P