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Selfie, eye contact 

Oh I might as well repost this here

My concert fit from Tuesday uwu

And those boots did not stay on the entire night, the moment Peggy got on stage I took them shits OFF

(Forgive the gross mirror, honestly shouldve cleaned it but we were already short on time. lol)

usa things 

9/11 needs to become the anti-4th of July and this wayneradiotv 9/11 stream is a great emboidement of the kind of spirit I would like to see associated with a "9/11 rememberance celebration party" lmao. 10/10

Watch the vod... Hopefully it ends up somewhere as a vod. The 9/11 song remixes and saluting lawn gnomes were so great. I have never felt so seen in media :gnomed:

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Turn on the! any channel!!

you may have heard of draft dodging, but how about delete and redraft-dodging?

Is there any good peer-reviewed work looking at the energy system / decarbonization impacts of cryptocurrency miners arbitraging demand response programs?

Oh yeah 9/11 is the best time to just say all the PRISM tracked keywords without anyone being able to give a shit.

:gwbush: "Hey kids post some fun words"

"Flintlock, cybercash, government, hate, speedbump, illuminati, president, freedom, cocaine, $, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, assasinate, virus, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb"
:gwbush: 💬

earlier I said I was gonna stop being silly for today 

I make the strippers wear WTC twin tower pasties for extra dollary-doos. I just can't "mission accomplished" otherwise. 🇱🇷
:gwbush: 💬

i was describing this 9/11 video and everyone was hype to watch it and i put it on and they were like hazel what the fuck this isn't doctor who and i was like i never said doctor who and they were like yes you did

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this evening at my girlfriend's house i kept mixing up the words 'doctor who' and '9/11'. this is not a joke toot

George W. Bush :gwbush: doesn't go down chimneys but he does fly planes through them, so he's still kinda like the Santa of 9/11 :911:

it's weird that they keep rebuilding the towers and stealing planes every year to reenact it. ah well ive got my snacks and a good chair spot


@maia I would never post an unfunny cheap 9/11 joke


Who did it better? (left image is an official US Govt Meme about 9/11)

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