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Saw the pro-Putin Authcoms showing their "solidarity" for 'the people of' Ukraine.

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The Leninists have seized control of the garbage bin

Benjamin Netanyahu could personally call me soap and I'd be considered the "bad Jew".

Raytheon partnering with flat earthers to flatten out the mountains so you can't see the curvature.

kids these days need some better forms of trouble to get into

socialist alternative supports a two state solution with mandatory newspaper subscription

Practicing my Hebrew with the Israeli anti-masker woman trying to purity-test my Jewishness 😁

I've just witnessed a completely civil and righteous rage against the machine by an elderly man (80s+) at supermarket self-service checkout here in small city Aotearoa #NewZealand and it was a little bit wonderful.

He'd just finished paying for his groceries when the machine started saying "Please take your items" every 15 seconds or so. At first he just says "I'll do it in my own time thank you," while bagging things up.

The machine keeps telling him to take his items. After around the 5th time, he starts really arguing back:
"I don't have to do what you tell me to do."
"I'll take as long as I need thank you."
"I'll thank you to stop harassing me."

On around the seventh or eighth request that he take his items, he stands back, crosses his arms and says loudly snaps, "No! Not until you be quiet!"

The machine keeps going. The man just stands there, crossed arms, chin stuck out. A standoff is on. Staff come over and ask if they can help and he tells them that if they switch the voice off, he will continue bagging his things and go. If they don't, he's retired and can wait all day.

Machine is turned off/down with sympathy from supermarket staff. Moments later the man leaves the supermarket with the air of someone who's just won a war, expression completely stoic.

Shoutouts to the smoke shop closed for joining the protests haha :BlobcatWeed:

Holy shit, my mom's iPad apparently has no built-in calulator app, and the free one she was trying to use has 471 fucking "vendors" that it wants to share your fucking data with. With no easy way to opt out from all of them. I used my open source calculator for her instead.

What the hell universe are we living in?

אני רוצה לאשון כנביס כל היום :ralseiblunt:

I can't wait until there is a good subtitled rip of Alien: Romulus to watch. In the meantime I'll have to stall for time and overthrow the government I guess.

meme about borders 

I've seen this meme I made floating around fedi so I figured I'd upload it here too :ms_robot_peek:

Borders are very bad and we should not have them

this is your irregular reminder to

* be gay
* do crime
* post about being gay
* not post about doing crime

Edit: wow, my best performing post ever. guess what: it's #SettlerSaturday, so your job is now to find an Indigenous person's #MutualAid post and throw them $2/$5/$20/$100.

if you boosted this post and you're white this is not optional! if you truly have no money to give then you can credit yourself 50c for every #IndigenousMutualAid post you boost, until you reach one of those thresholds (take your pick).

have money but no spoons to read through a hashtag? here's one for ya: Evel needs accessories for xens new wheelchair.

or you can give money to xens indie studio co-op here:

i still am fucking pissed at the theft sensors at the grocery store

reminder of my last post:
• i paid for the fucking dog food
• the sensor went off anyway and because i was carrying it while leaving at the same time as a person pushing an empty cart, it locked that person's cart while i kept walking

so they dont even fucking work and they didnt even inconvenience the person they were targeting. great work all around /s

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