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I was on the phone a while today. The proximity sensor is a bit haywire when the call lasts a while, so when the call ended I realized that I had a Bluetooth tethering setup through a Tor exit in Czechia by the end of it.

This thing would definitely qualify for Little Guys. It is a passively cooled plastic heatsink machine from the early 2010s which is very sad and pathetic by modern standards. However compared to other little guys it has a lot of CPU power, and therefore way too much heat to actually passively cool itself under intense workloads. It works fine under normal conditions, but updates are a struggle for it.

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Currently trying to stop my Linux Mintbox from thermal throttling during an update by pointing a fan at it.

uspol, gaza, future. this is about liberals and democrats 

in ten years, this will become another Iraq, another Gulf War, another memory where liberals will conveniently forget their place in it. they will claim they had no choice, or if they are at all remorseful, that they thought they were doing everything they could.

they will place themselves in the shoes of the same radicals they threatened and wished violence upon. "well they should've known not to do that" they say of any of the innumerable victims of state violence. they would never dream of defying the state so openly in that moment. but when they have created enough distance for the radical and the just to become the ordinary, they will say "that was us. aren't you proud? we did that." and they will only speak the names of the radicals they must acknowledge.

and further, they will transform images until it suits them. Nixon and Reagan are hazy memories, praise them when the moment is suitable. Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and King Jr. are no longer subversive and quite so radical - their edges that cut the social order until it bleeds will be softened until they become blunted enough that anyone can handle them with ease.

all images are subject to this regardless of their position at the time. to the liberal, had the national guard and snipers not been brought in during the Detroit Race Riots, there would have been nothing else but the destruction of the city. to this day, many of them stand by Johnson and Romney's decisions. unavoidable tragedy. Kent State Massacre, unavoidable tragedy. LA riots, what else could the state do? unavoidable tragedy, if they even say the second half.

they'll say the same about Gaza as they have about Iraq and Afghanistan. there was no other choice. they know it's not true. tell them to go fuck themselves if ever they try to claim a W

yeah seeing people raise that much for kamala in a day but the black disabled person not able to reach a $200k request after two years (which is now for her daughter, who is surviving cancer instead of the original poster who still needs the money) is just gonna fuck with your belief in the possibility of the good of humanity tbh


Checking in on my prophetic sources today. I have my finest team of special ops dream interpreters on the case.

yt-dlp is arguably an accessibility tool; I frequently download people's videos and fix the audio (stereo width reduction, de-esser, compression / limiting) so it isn't painful to listen to.

so I don’t really dress the part, but can I be an honorary goth since I’m allergic to sunlight at random a couple days every month?

Sorry, I originally posted the Dreamcast version of Lion Fighters: Overdrive that was panned by critics. This is the emulated 1996 US Arcade version. The biggest downside was that it was full of advertisements and was super unbalanced, but it really was the best version.

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לפעמים אני לא מאמינה שאדם שאני כל כך מעריכה כמו @Yotam_Kipnis הוא גם חבר שאני יושבת לשחק איתו משחקי תפקידים שולחניים פעם בשבוע.

בכל אופן, תקראו את המאמר שלו בהארץ ותפיצו הלאה. אין לי שום דבר להוסיף פרט לבקשה לשתף.

Where do I get the joint roller they use in Reefer Madness?

(6 minutes in)

Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy
Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy
Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy Rezzy
Rezzy mother fucker!

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