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today im going to be going to girl court to be tried for my numerous girl crimes (girl trespassing, girl breaking and entering, girl larceny, girl arson, and tax fraud)

wish me luck!

NullPointerException is my greatest foe. Java would be so much more pleasant to work in if its types were non-nullable by default

Et voilà une affiche numérique (faite sur Krita) avec un aspect d'illustration de la fin du XIXe.
Si l'affiche vous plaît, elle est dispo gratuitement sur min espace de partage ou en print à acheter sur Redbubble.

And here's a digital poster (made on Krita) with the look of a late 19th-century illustration.
If you like the poster, it's available for free on my share space or as a print to buy on Redbubble.

Print :

Free DL :

there's so much good original furry art on here that just isn't captioned

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thufie's day report :contains_thc: 

pretty quiet day.
My gimmicky long vape cart started leaking out both ends, while on a battery! I cleaned up the goop a little, but I've been basically trying to vaporize it all before more goo leaks out. So basically I maaaay have had a bit more than I usually do today. Not couch-locked, or unpleasantly high, but definitely higher than I'm used to from vapes.

I have made a breakthrough: I'm discovering I find dramatic villainous scenes of mass violence in media less disturbing than uwu smol bean channer shit generally. Going forward I am an evil villain slime from outer space, I hope you understand.

i need to get rezzy an "i'm sorry, women" shirt

Mutual aid request to help us, two disabled folks, survive after a bank fraud and in grief, GFM link, please boost 

Hey friends,

I've just made a GoFundMe to help us get back the money the bank won't refund after the fraud we've been victim of.

We still have to pay our monthly bills and everything.

Any help truly matters, thank you so much. 💙


#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

NewPipe update 1 week later: It takes minutes to load a YouTube video again. Like nothing ever changed.

one of the most important rules of comedy is that if something is only kind of funny the first time it gets absolutely more funnier if you just keep doing it

Video games should ready children for the challenges of the modern world. I propose the newest Mario games be required to include segments where Mario must defend the Mushroom Kingdom from large roving bands of feral hogs.

I don't like this planet anymore but I'll stay and help; business proposal meme 

I receive:
Pictures of your #alien worlds, your *punk #futures! I'll take your post-{#apocalyptic,#capitalism,#exploitation} #images as well.

Just something not of this place in spacetime.

You receive:
Good feelings from knowing that for each image I am sent, I shall #donate to my friend @Testoceratops (like we did with the cat pics)

:BoostOK: :PlzBoost:

Please like'n'subscribe and hit that boost icon

KDE woes 

I think I've permanently screwed up the KDE wallet subsystem trying to preserve my old config with dotfiles. It will let me open my wallet, but I doesn't save any credentials with it, like WiFi passwords, or other managed logins... So now it is a non-functional extra password dialog I have to dismiss that serves no purpose? In fact, now KDE can never remember a wifi password, which is going to be a huge pain.

It is a shame, because on my last install it was very useful! But it seems like migrating it is infeasible, or I did it incorrectly assuming it could be copied like anything else in my dotfiles.

inventing a programming language built around the myers-briggs type system

Astronomical vandalism 

This is just a meme it isn't even real, and I actually like the moon, and yet I am somehow already excited for this.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.