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Who did it better? (left image is an official US Govt Meme about 9/11)

You know I could probably read both Talmuds before catching up on One Piece. So I'm not really sure it is fair as a show recommendation. Maybe as a life choice?

marginalized people are the stable bedrock of sturdy projects of theory and praxis. lean-in feminism never even hired a geotechnical engineer to inspect the foundations.

At this rate I might have to have 4 different login sessions for different purposes on wayland and X11, KDE and Gnome. I think I might end up like one of those weirdos wearing the display privacy hood late at night at this rate.

check out my personal website to see a few updates I've added maybe? There is a new donation button design I made others may be interested in.

food (I am vegan so assume if you are vegan these are vegan) 

Select your gender of handheld food:

geography (mostly US) 

New Berlin,

I was looking at the Hebrew Wikipedia page for the Roswell Incident and found this beautiful computer graphics abstract representation of the "crash site".

command line output 

`python-thefuzz and python-fuzzywuzzy are in conflict. Remove python-fuzzywuzzy? [y/N]`

badly edited food/groceries (nonvegan included), slime 

Remember slime fridge?
Pepperidge farm remembers. :slime:

selfie, no ec, :weed: , slightly flirty 

Not a fan of crowds lately, but the periphery can be gay too.

pinned boundaries post 

I'm not really interested in random people following me anymore. If you know me, send me a direct message. Anything else will be denied. Regardless: for people interacting with my public stuff you should know my boundaries.

here are politics I do not vibe with:
- politics
- :tankies:
- 💸 (so-called "market anarchists" or libs)
- nationalism (grow up from wounded fairy tales)
- new age spiritualism / new athiesm
- divorced dad-ism (move on)
- missionaries / evangelists
- white people health cults (you are racist)
- Britishism
- paranoid, insecure settler
- journalist (derogatory)
- your *entire* personality is being an "____ parent"
- hippies
- CIS military apologetica
- cisgender apologetica
- fascism
- stallmanism, OSI and FSF techbro cults
- cable television commentary (I cut the cable for a reason)
- go to the polls! electoralism religious adherent
- resource scarcity-FUD hyper for eco fascists
- primitivism (if you are anti-literacy why are you even logged in lmao go eat berries)
- obviously anything antisemitic or transphobic
- pollsters, quizzers, and petitioners
- anti-piracy (MPAA's hiring, fuckface)
- legal justice system believer (lol, lmao)
- Firstname Lastname LinkedIn
- The person reading this who thinks you can override my boundaries because you are a privileged fuck who has learned to treat others people's priorities as dismissible "requests"
- racist queer people, and not giving a shit when you are told that you are platforming them
- channers
- hippies (again)
- [Broccoli Haters](
- Meritocracy or Technocracy people
- :acab:​ (no feds, cops, enlisted people)
- White westerners getting off on constantly posting un-cw'd gore and genocide news of PoC, calling themselves an activist. You're just an asshole.

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