Queer acceptance into capitalism and state systems is just assimilation into cisheternormative lifestyles
Firefox going ahead with enabling DoH by default with only one alternative provider to CloudFlare. https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/25/21152335/mozilla-firefox-dns-over-https-web-privacy-security-encryptio
Now the majority of Firefox users have unknowingly bought into a security bargain to exchange the trust of their local ISP for CloudFlare or NextDNS. Since I wrote my last blog post last year about the announcement this was being rolled out, Mozilla has still done fuck-all to fix the issue of limited providers who all have a history of censorship and surveillance. Their "stringent requirements" for who can be one of their DoH providers are complete bullshit if they are okay with CloudFlare. I'd recommend disabling DoH entirely in the meantime unless you have your own trustworthy provider that you've manually configured.
People trying to redefine discrimination as what happens when anyone gets oppressed versus marginalized groups are pretty obviously trying to ensure that shit like "reverse racism" is treated as seriously as racism to completely nullify the point of that kind of community policy.
You can't get oppressed when you already have the privilege and the power. That's called speaking truth to power, not "discrimination".
props to the samurai who decided to put blades on fidget spinners and throw them. totally badass #lifehack
Þufie BLM
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No longer taking new follow requests.
Reluctant moderator on social.pixie.town
or fae/faer/faerself most online member of the system
#yesbot #nobot #noarchive I'm in my 20s, as a Computer Science researcher (Not in "AI" 🙄).
.אין דין ואין דיין. שלום בעולם
Programmer and IT girl. Pseudo-vegan for the environment (-avocados +oysters). Very uncomfortable with astrology. Please don't call me "dude", "bro", "man", etc. Radical egalitarian anarchist, hierarchies and hate are incompatible with a free and equal life . For real though, I'm not gonna tell you to vote or post about political spectacle that is outside our control and in-actionable. Aiming to have a similar amount of internal contradictions as my environment like Ashby's Law of Requisite variety. I am probably stoned on some variety and dosage of cannabinoids if I am awake
if you hate stoners just dni. I am also a trans woman so I *checks notes* meme about femininity and feminization sometimes. After dark account at: @thufieplus but read my bio there before sending a follow request even if we are already mutuals here. Oh and just to be clear because I think I see other white people on here trying to fake not being white under a bunch of other text, I'm just a disoriented white girl trying her best.
Relationship Anarchist
"Freedom" 0 is bullshit! Copyleft for subversion! Fuck RMS!
So try...
A list of licenses which respect OUR freedom:
programming languages?
C++ C MIPS x86 a few others :P