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you would be surprised how many people appreciate a clean bathroom
but are rude to you for having the job of cleaning the bathroom

war criminal 

@lovinggrace pictured:
Mobutu Sese Seko in his iconic Leopard Skin Toque (hat).

@kuriko when I voted I forgot that the transit fare machines still use magstripe, so imagine one more vote for "had to use magstripe" :P

If you’re in the US, consider joining the @PeoplesCDC letter writing campaign to Congress to make/keep vaccines available for free.

Wayback Classic just got some sweet new graphics thanks to @lunalapin. An 88x31 and a favicon for your viewing pleasure!

#WaybackClassic #WaybackMachine #88x31

Who would you kiss sloppy-style at ground zero?
:gwbush: 💬


political system where there is a baby president and the parties are decided by how the party wishes to assign the baby president a gender. non-party independents don't care and non-binary is like green party. policy wonks hurriedly rush memos and speeches to an infant to whom they plead for cabinet positions by playing "peek-a-boo" and installing malware in the presidential internet of things baby mobile that links to their op-ed pages.

combat doll dropping a whole f14 jet at your feet proudly

@lyncia I've just not been posting a lot but I am here at odd hours :P

Is it possible, as many Ancient Astronaut Theorists contend, that all the accounts in my timeline are run, in fact, by cuties? :neofox_heart:

lol I forgot the Halo 1 MCC tutorial is literally wrong on PC cause they reused the Xbox prompts so it tells you to press E for reloading *and* action

On Xbox it's X for both, but on PC they were split into the usual keys (R to reload, E to use)

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