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linux users teaching windows users how to pirate and dual boot a debloated activated windows LTSC with a selection of trustworthy base application recommendations is harm reduction.

vividlope is SO good by the way. very fun, has strong arcade vibes similar to Super Monkey Ball, and the gameplay is generally just a chaotic mess. but like, in the best way

Completely Useless Legislation, Exhibit A:

Hungary has a new law that students have to surrender their phones at school. The phones have to be locked up, hauled around in safety boxes by teachers etc. Students get them back at the end of the day.

A friend of mine teaches high school. He noticed that when students get their phones back, they don't even turn them on, just toss them in their bag.

Decoy phones.

Seriously, no one thought about this?...

uspol, ilpol 

@ayoub Netanyahu doesn't even like Biden he is definitely more of a Trump guy, but the dems still get on their knees and lick heel for that shitass. Not gonna say I "don't get it" because the politics at work are obvious, but this is very obviously unrequited love.

easier to create new conditions for discovering software bugs when you are a little tipsy and can do things slightly off from how you usually operate

@lunalapin I hear there is a new model Amtrak train on that route too! I wanna do it sometime.

re: plans tonight 

nvm on the National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Not enough liquor to get through this godawful shit lmao

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when ya huff the luminiferous aether it is like whippets

re: plans tonight 

nvm on the Garbage EP. First track was okay but I am not sure I like the new pacing

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plans tonight 

listening to the new Garbage EP (from 4 months ago) and watching National Treasure: Book of Secrets with some badly-corked red wine, a modest pour of whiskey, pocorn, and burnt vape cotton. Cheers.

things Kesha predicted: 


really just got asked by my coworker if I'm in my butch era lmao

@riotmuffin what prompted this was the only wireless charger at the store being a fucking always-glowing UFO disk which brightly pulsates and changes color to indicate the charging state. My charge port was giving me issues and I wanted a backup in case it failed for good. I tried using it by my bed once and immediately gave up on it, since it was so bright it lit up my entire ceiling brighter than any actual LED light strips I've bought. That's really a huge drawback for a device I would only ever use when I am trying to sleep.

However even the ones that are just tiny little pinpricks in the plastic casing will keep me from sleeping, and I have to keep my power strip under my bedside table at all times or else the reset switch LED keeps me up at night. I just wish there was an easy and 100% effective way to remove or obscure them, but sometimes they are on buttons and switches making it impossible.

I would never be able to lose a charger brick because the power strips they plug into already have huge lights on them too.

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צילומים: צביקה

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