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If you ever wonder why megacorps are so knee-deep in "AI" shit. It basically amounts to sunk cost fallacy. This "AI" craze has lead megacorps to buy the first privately owned supercomputers in history to build LLMs that will feed you bias and misinformation of your choosing. Those things ain't cheap. Neither are the lawyers required to justify stealing shit for their models to "train" (memorize poorly) from.

"AI" ready 

advertising computers as being "ready" for "AI" is such a meaningless marketing scheme. Oh wow! You can query a webserver!? You can fetch output from a pre-trained model on disk? I sure hope so!

It is about as inane as saying 'it can do spreadsheets!' would be nowadays. The power costs and compute needed for LLMs is all handled ahead of time by one of several megacorps scraping the entire internet to feed into their particular supercomputer (no longer the domain of purely state-actors) to spit out a normal model file any dipshit's computer could lookup from or query remotely. There is no technical feat connected to it, pure hot air.

Sorry, not a kinky stuff

PSA: if you ever used Feeld dating app, you need to know that all your data was available for virtually anyone for *very long time*.

This includes messages, photos, one-time messages, dating profile, likes and etc. But not just that, it was possible to impersonate you and send messages to anyone

This issue was found two times by two independent parties so most likely malicious/state actors knew about this. If someone manages to scrape this data, it might pop up somewhere for sale.

Worst part is that Feeld is silent about this.

Please, be safe and prepared as this data can be used for sextortion or worse.

It would help a lot if you’ll share this with people who might’ve been using Feeld. I’m posting about this because Feeld is popular in some places among the LGBTQA+.

#lesbian #gay #bisexual #pansexual #trans #queer #intersex #asexual #genderqueer #agender #genderquestioning #graysexual

:911: YouTube twitch stream vod 

only 21 minutes. well worth your time.


big moth 📷 

Please observe le bébé… France excuse me what??

I found this giant fella hiding in a wooden bench, I think I gasped about 5 times in a row when I saw it, I’d never found one of these before

I had to resist the temptation to give it a lil kissy on its massive forehead :blobaww:

#bugstodon #moth #hawkmoth

Selfie, eye contact 

Oh I might as well repost this here

My concert fit from Tuesday uwu

And those boots did not stay on the entire night, the moment Peggy got on stage I took them shits OFF

(Forgive the gross mirror, honestly shouldve cleaned it but we were already short on time. lol)

usa things 

9/11 needs to become the anti-4th of July and this wayneradiotv 9/11 stream is a great emboidement of the kind of spirit I would like to see associated with a "9/11 rememberance celebration party" lmao. 10/10

Watch the vod... Hopefully it ends up somewhere as a vod. The 9/11 song remixes and saluting lawn gnomes were so great. I have never felt so seen in media :gnomed:

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Turn on the! any channel!!

you may have heard of draft dodging, but how about delete and redraft-dodging?

Is there any good peer-reviewed work looking at the energy system / decarbonization impacts of cryptocurrency miners arbitraging demand response programs?

@dantheclamman There are options, but I've had success with Scribus for things requiring precision, and used LibreOffice Draw for lazier edits before too.,_

Oh yeah 9/11 is the best time to just say all the PRISM tracked keywords without anyone being able to give a shit.

:gwbush: "Hey kids post some fun words"

"Flintlock, cybercash, government, hate, speedbump, illuminati, president, freedom, cocaine, $, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, assasinate, virus, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb"
:gwbush: 💬

earlier I said I was gonna stop being silly for today 

I make the strippers wear WTC twin tower pasties for extra dollary-doos. I just can't "mission accomplished" otherwise. 🇱🇷
:gwbush: 💬

i was describing this 9/11 video and everyone was hype to watch it and i put it on and they were like hazel what the fuck this isn't doctor who and i was like i never said doctor who and they were like yes you did

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this evening at my girlfriend's house i kept mixing up the words 'doctor who' and '9/11'. this is not a joke toot

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