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The power strip with "surge protection" that I had my router and modem plugged into flashed really bright with sparks and then started smoking after I hit the reset switch. Big loud pop too!

I think I may have been using that one for too long.

Cohost, csam 

@VegaHarmonia yeah it was allowed since day 1

George W. Bush :gwbush: doesn't go down chimneys but he does fly planes through them, so he's still kinda like the Santa of 9/11 :911:

@vultureculture use your phone flashlight "on accident" to flashbang him

@riotmuffin Legit but definitely a different beast. I wouldn't mistake a physical distro zine for a online hacker zine for example. Also hacker zines and other non print ready zines can include more color pictures and stuff like hyperlinks which also makes them stand apart. However if it emerged as a counter-cultural distro and it isn't physical that's still a zine. I don't like it when zines which are meant to not be hacker or online subcommunity zines aren't distributed ready to print, though. That just feels like a waste if there is no value-added by the digital medium, and only convenience lost for physical distro.

love the modern internet where signing up for things means immediately getting your account locked for no reason

@hazelnot ah yeah. I wouldn't be so worried about that if your root is being starved though. Flatpaks are definitely some chonkers in terms of disk space by comparison, so maybe you'll have better luck there. However I don't really know how to help with Flatpak storage savings.

@hazelnot huh. I've wiped my whole cache before without much consequences. If you don't run pacman -Sc then you will still have (sometimes multiple) cached copies of packages that were once downloaded, but then were uninstalled. I am not sure why the wiki would be so scary about it, unless it is worried about not having local copies for offline package reinstalls, or old-fashioned downgrades.

@hazelnot can you clear any cached downloaded packages? Idk what distro you are on, but that sounds like a very large root that may have some old or redundant info.

@khm this is a question for the software freedom conservancy. Their site might give you some relevant stories.

Copyleft is just as hard to enforce as copyright, generally, unless you can afford a legal team willing to challenge larger legal teams. Varies by your locality, but you're right to think code theft is the norm. Big legal departments just play cleanup for software engineering teams that are simply told to meet a deadline at whatever cost. This is true regardless of licensing, or how the code was shared.

To my knowledge this is the first non-proprietary speech to text service available on Android. Finally! Apparently this first released in February.

I wouldn't use it myself, but I know this is a show-stopper for lots of people who may have otherwise considered using AOSP or an AOSP based rom without Gapps/Samsung UI.

France recognised Western Sahara as part of Morocco, meaning that Macron's France has formally accepted that territories can be conquered through military means. The US has provided Israel will all of the cover to do the same.

The more this becomes the status quo, the more very basic assumptions about sovereignty start crumbling, meaning any smaller nation to a bigger and more aggressive nation is at greater risk.

so cool that we can all come together and celebrate 9/11

uspol, 9/11 

normalizing joking about 9/11 robs the genocidal american empire of the air of impugnity everyone seems to give it when discussing the atrocities committed in the name of its victims and allows those victims to finally, simply, be remembered as people and decreasingly have their memory be used as shields to do genocide and imperialism

if i die in a similar tragedy that they want to use for evil i beg every one of you to mock it relentlessly until it has no power
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