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all you know is disc orb, you should instead appreciate juggle orb


I'm saving up for the Dragon Ball Z Blunt Rotation Backpack which is why I won't ever be a homeowner

re: re: I have created a custom emoji to surpass metal gear 

:gwbush: ✈️ :911: 🇺🇸
Never Forget Our Amazing President!

edit: audio clip is George W Bush "That sure was a terrible pilot" quote.

*wakes up groggy and grabs the broom after a sip of coffee*

Call before you dig? That's a bunch of big government hogwash. There's free copper and sewer lines down there! And fiber's good for your diet too!

Administrative Actions have been taken by the gnome to curtail the stalinist and leninist authcom genocide denialist creep :gnomedstanding:

blocked for tankie genocide apologism and implicit historical antisemitism under this user. have you considered prison abolition instead of being a whataboutist channer shithead? :tankies:

haven't seen anyone upload the can't close the gate freestyle yet :acab:

rest assured, gnomefield has been mobilized in opposition to microsoft regime forces spotted near our borders this morning. threat neutralized.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.