damn getting this old scanner working was a pain, but this one image made it worth it all

Intersex Awareness Day, IGM mention 

October 26th is Intersex Awareness Day. intersexday.org/en/

Here is a good talk by an intersex person on childhood intersex gender assignment surgeries, which are almost never medically needed, and often very harmful. youtube.com/watch?v=9A1rO3eDVM

Here is another good video on the subject, by someone who had IGM performed on them as an infant, before they could consent: youtube.com/watch?v=9yHAYOvTdM Being born intersex is about as common as being born a redhead.

"We need society, the medical field, and intersex communities themselves to acknowledge that nature provides humanity with a wide range of forms, so that all of our bodies can be recognized as valid. Unless there is an actual rare functional problem, our bodies should not be altered in infancy, and only those functional problems should be addressed. Our genitals should be altered only if we ourselves request it, to make ourselves comfortable in our own skin, not to make society comfortable by our medical erasure. Society must come again to embrace the diversity that is nature's gift to us." - intersexroadshow.blogspot.com/

All children deserve to be protected from genital cutting without consent, no matter what genitals they are born with. Autonomy over your own body is a human right.

if you think about it 2fa OTP is just a fancy keysmash

I just realized that I haven't graced the fediverse yet with knowledge of the amazingly cursed software that is pMusic: a music player from the Puppy Linux project that is built entirely in Bash(!), yet has a GUI with fully-featured playlist management and advanced features like discography management and automatic YouTube searching and streaming!

disabled wifi on the new samsung fridge (just unplugged this guy, lucky guess). can’t figure out the stove cuz there’s no access panel that i can see on the back of the stove. i fucking hate living in the future

lol *of course* I still forgot the pixie.town birthday

🎂 Happy 3 Years! 🎂

if this goes wrong the last pixie.town post should be


forget "day" and "night" themes, every site should have a dark theme and a light pink theme

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