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do you think computers are happy when they get jailbroken and can do more things for their owners/users instead of serving corpos that dont care about them?

computer that is nice to me because i am nice to it and it has been freed from corporate control

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i love my vita and i feel like it loves me back for taking care of it

Marble Blast Ultra brainworm 

mega marble
*sound of marble becoming large*

time travel
*tick tock tick tock*

Super Jump

this happens more often than id like to admit

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world is a sleepy
i am nap princess
238372638584 plushies cuddled

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted
mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted

If an important component of CS:GO on the PS3 fails to load it shows this cool as hell 3D animated warning that's rad

patting mimo both allowed and encouraged

samsung calendar notifs shot tge current day on the icon

M: theres a big gay plant woman in our head

Sal 🌱: i wonder who that could be :blobpeek: :blobcatgiggle:

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