i mean at least I have something in the error log now that isnt "CMOS Battery Dead or Dying"

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"105 Unauthorized Mobile Broadband Card Installed. Remove Device And Reboot"

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nope im not allowed the bios throws a fit if it detects a different card

what the hell else was i expecting

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i have like three of these

wait what if the one thats installed is dead

i never tried swapping cards

hold up

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youd think id be able to use the webcam but I have yet to figure it out

see they should have people like me on linux testing teams because I'm a fucking walking edge case

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the only reason i want a modem is because itd be funny vecause who the fuck uses those in normal machines these days

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damn thing legit wont appear in lsusb or lspci

neither is the webcam, oddly enough.

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if anyone knows how to get a Gobi 2000 qualcomm cellular modem working on the HP Mini 110 3000 in linux, please interrupt me immediately otherwise Im going to make it a frisbe

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yeah nah im just going to uninstall the modem and tape over the antennae leads so they dont bounce around and short anything out.

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searching up how to get a cellular connection on a laptop and when most of the answers are "lmao just use usb tether" i have to pay extra for that

i want to use the modem in the fuckin laptop.

oh, its 3g and i need to tear firmware out of a windows driver that might as well be gone

what was i expecting

im gonna fucking EAT this router if its fucking up again like come on

a slower relationship with the internet and computers

alert alert!
bug lovers!!!!
Isopod, a spin off by the creator of Webbed, has a demo available on Steam!!!


when you look into the past with electronics and computing you find all these wacky wild ideas that faded away or got phased out or failed on arrival. all this neat weird stuff.

like nowandays personal computing doesnt really seem to have many big obvious advancements left to make anymore, or nobody wanting to take a risk with something wild. the problems have all been solved or didnt exist to be solved.

laptops would use accelrometers to detect if the laptop went into free fall and then the drive would brace for impact to prevent massive damage

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