Lumines Electronic Symphony (PS Vita)
1,000,000+ Score, Voyage Mode (endlessly loops)
no replays, game contains a ton of music that would get me Content ID'd or otherwise nailed on Youtube and I also havent set up or tried Vita video recording.

🔞, bath nude, genitals, :boost_ok: 

from 1 to 10 how breedable am i

i swear my hips wernt this curved originally wtf
god im hot

Advent Of Beetle: Day 2
Acorn Weevil (Curculio glandium)
Eats: Acorns! but not enough to be a problem, especially if oak trees are already established in an area.
Known for: candidate for "biggest snoot". also being super cute.
Found: oak trees (look for acorns with little holes drilled into them to know if one is there)

this is the best meme ive made in a while I think
context is included in the image description for those who havent played Rise Of The Triad

i remember posting this before i think
but its so sweet so im posting it again

originally posted on twitter by KindLittleBug

"you better not be isopod"

gort :isopod: , kiniro :bestbeetle: , and king fossil 🦈 having a cuddle

open for creature 

suprise! he is in your feed now

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