hey refind what the actual fuck is this supposed to be
do you actually write your fucking files like this
also the dirty bit was set

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never have i felt so represented by a manga panel before gender wise (i am a very sleepyhead)

exactly what we should be doing with computers


heres an arcade clear from recent

Strikers 1945 (Arcade via Mame 0.264, Default DIPs)
The rush of being at the end and having basically no more resources and having to finish the last boss with pure knowledge/memorization and skill is amazing sometimes. Also this game goofy as hell theres a dancing alien midboss.

originally posted on twitter by KindLittleBug

"you better not be isopod"

open for creature 

suprise! he is in your feed now

need this mug
i dont remember where i got this photo
am cleaning out my gallery

post stolen to caption image

very gender for our system, tag urself

EDIT: artist found pixiv.net/en/users/728801

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