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junø boosted

I know most people don't understand what the big deal is with masks. The "big" deal with masks is they are so small and insignificant a "sacrifice" to help vulnerable people that it makes it abundantly clear that every other fight we are up against will be unattainable if the inconvenience is modestly above that. Yes, that is why all these other fights have suddenly risen altogether. They see how little comfort you will give up to help another. So-called leftists caved, they saw opportunity.

junø boosted

Coronavirus, Long Covid, ME/CFS 

Seems it might not be common knowledge that if you have covid, you *mustn't* push yourself to build your activity levels back to normal. There's a high likelihood that Long Covid is a type of ME/CFS, a disabling chronic illness which often follows a viral infection. Everyone with ME will tell you: do not push yourself! At that delicate phase of recovery you could seriously risk becoming permanently disabled. Rest as much as possible, and err on the safe side!

ph - 

@joepie91 mood. i also seem to get migraines from aspartame and acesulfam-k?

junø boosted

tired: using travelynx or whatnot to share detailed info about your train riding lifestyle

wired: manually posting "eine zugfahrt die ist lustig" etc every time you're on a train

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junø boosted


A Radical Queer People’s History: Everyday Acts of Resistance & Rebellion (under contract with PM Press) presents a distinct selection of queer people’s history through hundreds of “on this day in history” anniversaries that are as diverse and international as queer community itself. These everyday acts of resistance and rebellion highlight just some of those who have struggled for a better world and provide lessons and inspiration for those of us fighting 1/?

junø boosted
junø boosted

When I opened the book, the ink of all the letters leapt off the pages, formed a cat, and ran off.

Long did I chase it, long and far, tracing faint smudges and soft murmurs of unread words.

"Why do you run?"

"People read me and weep."

"Ah. So you give relief."

"I do?"

"You do."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

mh question 

yes. expecting the pattern to continue even after years of the pattern not having happened is very common with trauma.

junø boosted

Like, I dunno, when people donate money to "Mastodon" on Patreon, I don't really think they are doing it so can be the biggest, bestest server ever.

They want features, and they want developers who work on the project to be paid, and they probably want stuff like a community manager (who could be paid) and all kinds of stuff like that.

And if you give them that toolkit and a fairly easy "press play" way to spin up their own server, like....again...

What if instead of "Join Server" there was also a "Create Server" button?

And that server got preloaded with a blocklist (which could match's, I don't especially care so long as it's not empty), and there was really good initial setup tools for new admins.

And then mastodon just has to scale outward, not upward.

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Kids mh- 

we mask so much we forgot who we are beneath personally. one thing that helps is to have people try and look behind the masks.
so make sure to really try and peer behind the masks as much as possible and acknowledge and mirror all you can make out. because trying to heighten their self esteem won't work if its something they don't consider as part of their self.

Kids mh- 

advice from the neurdivergent side, not so much the caring for kids side.
for neurodivergent kids in general:
make sure they have language to describe their experiences with the world. language for their sensory perception, for executive functioning, for overloads, for masking, for stimming and so on. maybe get them a feelings wheel printed and laminated and focus on really seeing them as they are. give honest praise or acknowledgement for their actual core traits and not their masks. show real interest in their hobbies and interests if you have any. let them know that its okay to stim in private and public if it helps regulate or even if its just fun.

junø boosted

climate catastrophy, liberal propaganda 

Once you realize you've heard about 'carbon capture' only being a few years away since you were a fucking child you really start to see how that idea is always deployed.

"A genius will invent a technology that will surely solve our mistakes faster than we can keep making them" is literally just "a wizard will save us" for STEM-bros. It's utter nonsense.

And it's always said in the same breath as " we don't need to fix our emissions now", too 😐

junø boosted

"I just have some concerns", long :boost_requested: 

We all know the concern trolls who are "raising some concerns" when talking about protections for marginalized folks, and who already know that they're not problems, they're just trying to sow discord.

But another, more insidious form of this are the people - usually centrists or liberals - who legitimately believe that they are raising legitimate concerns, and are doing so in a harmful manner.

There's an obvious form of privilege here; those raising the concerns are typically not part of the affected group, and so unlike the affected group, they can afford to treat it like some hypothetical thought experiment, whereas the affected marginalized folks are living the consequences right here and now.

But that's not what I want to talk about. Because it goes much deeper than that.

For example, these "concerns" are usually the absolute most obvious things that you could think of - and somehow, the concern-raisers believe that they are specially qualified to have such a novel insight.

They don't stop to consider that maybe this concern was already raised hundreds of times before, and relitigated over and over again, and found to not be (sufficiently) relevant. They don't really take the time to research it - instead just assuming that they're the first.

That's privilege.

This usually combines with another problematic factor; when the concerns are raised, a response like "yeah we've thought of that" isn't considered enough. Instead, the concern-raiser will not stop pushing until *they, personally* are satisfied that it's addressed.

They are not merely raising a concern to help; they are considering themselves to be the arbiter of truth, as if their approval is required to go ahead with the plan. They are assuming authority.

That's privilege.

Those in the best position to understand the circumstances and needs of marginalized folks, are those marginalized folks themselves. Approval by the privileged is not required.

Listen to marginalized people. Yes, even if you have "concerns".

mh-, content note meta, doomposting, climate 

can you all please put your doomposting about the climate emergency behind content notes? my mental health is bad enough as is.

make art until you made art. art as just a thing people do is important and nice.

gory violence; re: prolly kinda petty, ???, the struggle between wanting to be a good person and wanting revenge 

anger shows you where your boundaries were violated or where you where hurt. sure it can take forms that we don't like. but its still an important emotion that needs to be listened to to plan future behaviour and to channel it in a way that works for us.
my own revenge fantasies got less when i got further away from those that hurt me...

prolly kinda petty, ???, the struggle between wanting to be a good person and wanting revenge 

@phseiff ah i see... anger is a difficult emotion to process. even if its an important one that protects you.

prolly kinda petty, ???, the struggle between wanting to be a good person and wanting revenge 

what speaks against cultivating some hate against them? or revenge fantasies?

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