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An interesting insight from a conversation about the Fermi paradox and Great Filter theories: what if our entire framing is just wrong?

The way we talk about 'advanced civilizations' seems inextricably tied to capitalism and imperatives of endless growth, rather than genuine techno-social advancement; its almost always about *scale*, rather than about capability, and that is a capitalist mode of thought.

What if the question isn't "how are we the only advanced civilization?", but instead it is "how are we the only civilization that hasn't figured out to make itself sustainable yet"?

What if the Fermi paradox is really just the question of our species' failure to prioritize correctly?

public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

@joepie91 also, please, if you know you have head lice, you should not be putting your head anywhere that other people touch. not on any couches or seats…

sure “it’s not such a bad thing” for a moderately healthy person to deal with, but not everyone is a moderately healthy person and it’s gonna be borderline impossible for people with limited range of movement, limited energy, chemical sensitivities etc. if you can’t lift your arms, can’t tolerate shampoos like that, can’t get out of bed and into the shower every day, you’re basically just fucked if some inconsiderate person spreads their lice to you. so just be responsible about your parasites even if they aren’t a big deal for you personally

fun coincidence - on my way home I drove past the truck carrying all of EMF's hired stage pieces. I was looking at it thinking "huh that looks exactly like the stuff we were just using" then noticed one of the crates said "EMF FESTIVALS" on it.

public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

I am now aware of 3 separate, geographically distributed cases of head lice infections among folks that are involved in a queer hacker community somehow.

This is beginning to look like a pattern, especially considering how comparatively rare these infections are among adults. So I wonder if we may have a little public health issue on our hands.

I don't know the exact scope, but if you belong to that community, *especially* in or around Germany, please check for head lice! They are generally not harmful, but become very itchy and annoying over time.

(Note: if you find lice elsewhere on your body, instead of your head, talk to your doctor first! Those are different lice, and may be carrying diseases depending on region. Do not try to DIY this.)

If you find lice:
1. Prefer using a lice comb, and conditioner or lice shampoo, to carefully remove lice daily over a span of 14 days. This can be self-administered, or by someone else, but follow the instructions that come with the comb. Available at local pharmacies.

2. If this does not work for you for some reason (eg. uncooperative hair), consider using Prioderm/dimeticon, available at pharmacies. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, this is somewhat finicky stuff to use.

3. If that doesn't work for your hair either, an experimental option (that we've had a lot of success with here) is DIY heat treatment using a hairdryer, drying out the lice and killing them. Heat the (dry) hair, especially near the scalp, as long as you can without hurting. Blow from *under* the hair. Repeat daily for 14 days, and comb what you can.

For any of these treatments, if you still find lice (alive or otherwise) after the treatment period, keep repeating the treatment until you don't. Do not skip days - you'll have to start over. Note that lice can be very small and difficult to see!

So it turns out that someone rewrote node-ffi (the C FFI library) in Rust (still a C FFI library) and it's orders of magnitude faster 🙃

My visually impaired friends always are annoyed each European country has different standards for guidance lines on railway stations they follow with their white cane. Now wondering if an European standard would help here 🤔

Many people struggle with image descriptions due to their own disabilities, neurodivergencies or even language proficiency, and I think minimising the effort it can take to write alt text only serves to shame those people and scare them away.

Let's instead focus on encouraging anyone who can't write alt text to use the #Alt4Me tag, and anyone who *can* write alt text to chip in with some #Alt4You. :Givelove:


Reminder for my fellow #ADHD beings (or anyone else who is struggling) that *any* cleaning is better than no cleaning. If it takes under 2 minutes, do it now!

The counter you clean today is worth more than all of them we both know you won't clean tomorrow.

Already got stuff done today? Take a gold star (genuine)! 😊

⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Since I don't think some people are grasping how bad this is:
Bank Data;
Health Data;
Student Data;
Privileged Information (NDA's contracts, etc.)

Unless a) your job has some version of windows that doesn't have these systems and tools in it, and b) work/life firewalls are PRISTINE, and I mean literally ZERO interconnections, even via email or calendars, the entire windows 11 OS, and any ecosystem of which it's a component, has just become a threat surface.

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Unpopular opinion: It's 2024 and we still can't figure out a better way for blind people to know what's in front of them. I mean seriously. Surely someone out there can think of some better solution that's not dragging around a huge ass stick that takes up one of your hands anywhere you go. Seems at least somewhat inefficient for the time we're in, but that could just be me wishing I didn't have to drag a huge thing and lose the use of one of my hands just to uh, you know, do something any old sighted person can do freely with no issues. Hurray, blindy issues.

Dear Fellow White People:

when you are called out for bigotry, especially by someone who is themselves Black/POC, you are being given a *gift*. it is a measure of respect and trust being extended to you in hopes that you can, and will, *do better*. it is an opportunity to reflect and learn. you will probably feel defensive in the moment, but you *must* resist the impulse to make a quick knee-jerk reply. instead, *think*:

1. what are you being told?
2. what is the context, both in this particular situation, and historically?
3. who is telling you this?
4. what experiences has that person likely had in similar situations?
5. can you do better? how?

do *not* reply until you have gone through that checklist and answered those questions for yourself, at the very least.

we can, and *must*, do better. we have so much to learn, so much to *unlearn*. all of us, every single one--and yes, that includes me.

"People are growing increasingly unhappy with our product"

"What if we made it better?"

"Gosh no, let's use our market share to make everyone else's worse."

That's one difference between white transfems, and Black & brown transfems. We're already the centre of attention for being visibly not white, which attracts all kinds of harassment towards us. We're not learning what discrimination and bigotry look like for the first time when we transition, it's been a tangible part of our lives from the start. But now, we also have to reckon with new kinds of racist shit, on top of the misogyny.

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"Customers just aren't loyal anymore, we struggle with retention" says companies that regularly raise prices for unchanging services and then offer discounts to new customers.

@chrisisgr8 oh, I just went back to washing dishes and suddenly finally got a full picture on why it's such a total mess, so if I may, will try to fit it in a single reply for my own reference later on!

All CSS "pixels" are, by default, based on 96 DPI. And seemingly "real" units like "mm" or "in" are actually just equal to a fixed number of pixels. So 1in = 96px. Literally the definition.

Which means that all the cm/in were always a lie because, e.g., 1920x1080 screens with a diagonal other than 23" exist.

Cue the HiDPI screens, which initially were mostly a phone thing, where the definition of "mm" can now be not 10% off but 200% off. So we get devicePixelRatio, which is basically "actual DPI / 96". Except this is also a lie, because any non-integer DPR will result in horrendous aliasing/blur.

So it may be useful to think of "device width" you're targeting with viewport/@media as very, very approximately a corresponding portion of a 23" 1080p screen. And that's assuming no browser zoom.

This is the best solution to responsive UI the world has come up with. Good luck!

never let yourself be sanitized, never let yourself think that “hey maybe I can be one of the good ones” because at the drop of a hat, the bigoted cishets all around us will have zero hesitation to throw you in harms way.

pride exists for a reason, do not silence those who fight.

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Border controls within #Schengen - basically systematic racism and discrimination against poor people, in the name of “security”

Makes me furious

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So when is a border control not a border control?

Lithuanian border police checks every passenger. I ask him why he doesn’t check trucks and cars. Dude ignores it and moves on

This is obviously systematic

A reminder: Lithuania and Poland are in #Schengen. Neither has a Schengen suspension. This is clearly and obviously illegal.

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Nasty situation boarding Lux Express at Vilnius

Driver isn’t happy with a driving license to confirm my name when boarding. Demands my ID. “Border control to Poland!” he says

Sorry *but you’re a private company’s bus driver*, not the border control!

He gets quite arsey about it

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