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another common thing that happens in error messages, that I've seen, is developers outright using the terms "request" and "response" to refer to HTTP requests and responses of any type, ignoring what the user actually did

like, "invalid response" could mean that the server failed, or that the server rejected a user's input, or that the client generated input which the server then rejected. since multiple requests and responses happen over the course of a regular page load, it's impossible to know which and it's just... useless.

HTTP codes that distinguish client and server errors aren't useful to an end user if the client and the server are both sending things back and forth automatically. the server sends a client page which decides what to send back to the server, and there, if the client messes up, it's still a server problem.

instead, we need web pages to actually distinguish between errors the user made and errors the browser made, instead of just saying everything is invalid and nobody knows who did it

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error messages should provide information that helps you resolve the error. simply describing the situations in which an error may occur is not helpful if they don't lead to a clear solution, and giving an error code that requires me to look up a manual is equally unhelpful. (however, using error codes to offer extra information in a manual is useful.)

I'm tired of errors that just say "whoops! it broke" without any further information. I'm tired of errors that patronise me and exhaustively list when an error might occur without saying which thing in the list occurred. I want useful information and not an assertion that information won't be given

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Oh hey! We kunnen dus wél iets doen tegen malafide beleggers die schaarse handel opkopen om zichzelf te verrijken...

als het om voetbal gaat dan. Niet om woningen.

re: politiek, NL, kritiek op kieswijzers 

Deze toot is geinspireerd door van @AstaMcCarthy, maar ik heb eigenlijk nog nooit een kieswijzer gezien die dit soort problemen niet heeft.

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politiek, NL, kritiek op kieswijzers 

Ik zou graag eens wat meer discussie zien over kieswijzers, en hoe ze in hun huidige opzet de democratie schaden. We doen alsof het optionele handige hulpmiddelen zijn, en het allemaal niet zo uitmaakt hoe ze werken, maar in de praktijk zijn het significante politieke stemmingmakers.

Om maar even twee problemen te noemen:

1. De neiging om de vraagstelling te laten bepalen door het 'publieke debat', wat dus een proxy is voor "waar de grote partijen campagnegeld in steken", waardoor standpunten van kleinere/specifiekere partijen volledig ondersneeuwen (en daarbij vaak de focus komt te liggen op repressieve onderwerpen).

2. Het weglaten van 'kleine' partijen uit kieswijzers, alsof ze er niet toe doen, waardoor je feitelijk alleen nog maar een race krijgt tussen de grote (steeds meer fuserende) gevestigde partijen en standpunten, waardoor we steeds dichterbij een two-party system komen.

Dit zijn dingen die we, als we echt iets geven om het idee van representatieve democratie, niet acceptabel zouden moeten vinden, en zeker niet af zouden moeten doen als "dat moeten de makers van de kieswijzers zelf weten".

Post from Existential Comics [@existentialcoms]

A silicon valley dude, creating billions of dollars in value: "what if we create an app that takes a little bit of everyone else's money whenever they do anything."


Da ich die letzten Tage wieder vermehrt Kommentare wie: "Ich weiß nicht was ich wählen soll, eigentlich will ich gar nicht" lese gibt es von mir jetzt einen Wahltipp.

Wählt einfach die Grünen. Nein sie sind nicht perfekt, das ist keine Partei. Sie haben aber den Vorteil das sie definitiv genug Stimmen haben werden um in Parlamente, Kreistage und Gemeinderäte zu kommen. Sie sind progressiver als alle anderen Großen und am Ende sorgt ihr im Zweifel dafür das sie mehr Macht bei Kompromissen haben.

@puneetsiinghal01 WHAT??? Are you serious??? I am a blind person, and I realize that a video tagged with #accessibility and #inclusion is just music and some voices, without any audio-descriptions in it - and it concerns world assistive technologies day... I could laugh, if the situation wouldn't be such a cringe! I definitely won't share it around. Unlock the everyday? Start from making campaigns accessible to EVERYONE, otherwise it's "do what I say, but not what I do".

Doing the “counting the number of people who aren't white men” thing again for the speaker line-up and audience photos for a recent conference for a computer thing.

And as usual, I am thoroughly disappointed 😒

Nice, the entire Faroe Islands is on strike

GNOME shill: "Tray icons are bad UX"
Me, desperately looking for an easy way to see which GUI apps I have running in the background:

The Book Wheel was an invention from the 16th century for people that needed multiple tabs open before browsers were invented.

🏠Have you ever moved house?

Tear down is kind of like that, except it’s not all going to one place, some is time dependent, the truck’s turned up too early, and now it’s started raining. Also everything is muddy, can only be transported with a particular combo of people and vehicles, or has a visiting member of the local wildlife. HQ has a pigeon.

If you have any positive vibes for the tear down crew, leave them here and we’ll make sure they’re passed on this evening when they get a chance to read them.

#emfcamp #emf2024

sometimes I see people here CW food and I'm like: ohh, you're remembering that I and other friends need that CW'd. And I feel cared for and warm because someone is showing they care about my needs.

Element's shit handling of notifications (ie. when the server is slow, it takes a long time for the notification indicator to go away) is a big anxiety trigger for me, actually

I've been thinking a lot about centralization and decentralization over the last few days (well, decades, but this particular train of thought has been running for a few days.)

The thing about centralized platforms (for anything! social media, electricity generation, food distribution, government, business, etc.) is they can work really well.

You get a lot of benefits from centralization, a lot of deduplication of effort. Sometimes, in the case of things like power grids, centralization is so much more efficient than decentralization that considering the latter starts to feel ridiculous.

When built correctly, centralized platforms work very well.

But, they fail horribly. Really horribly, and on a scale and in ways that are only possible for centralized platforms.

Anyone has tips for texture making for weird users like me who see an image more like a 3D array (width*height*4) of floats than an image

What I'm saying is, most graphics software doesn't treat fully transparent pixels as something that can convey important data (which it can for shader magic) and going below 0 or above 1 is typically a no-no, despite how useful it is for HDR shenanigans and image data representing vectors.

HEPA filter, old/new.

When I’m thinking about good (somewhere between low- and high) #tech, I’m also thinking HEPA. Randomly fabricated fibers that randomise and trick the movements of particles.

Air purifiers are part of the #solarpunk future. Not only to be equipped for #wildwires. #airpollution

*Edit: great typo: #wildwires instead of #wildfires!

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