public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

I am now aware of 3 separate, geographically distributed cases of head lice infections among folks that are involved in a queer hacker community somehow.

This is beginning to look like a pattern, especially considering how comparatively rare these infections are among adults. So I wonder if we may have a little public health issue on our hands.

I don't know the exact scope, but if you belong to that community, *especially* in or around Germany, please check for head lice! They are generally not harmful, but become very itchy and annoying over time.

(Note: if you find lice elsewhere on your body, instead of your head, talk to your doctor first! Those are different lice, and may be carrying diseases depending on region. Do not try to DIY this.)

If you find lice:
1. Prefer using a lice comb, and conditioner or lice shampoo, to carefully remove lice daily over a span of 14 days. This can be self-administered, or by someone else, but follow the instructions that come with the comb. Available at local pharmacies.

2. If this does not work for you for some reason (eg. uncooperative hair), consider using Prioderm/dimeticon, available at pharmacies. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, this is somewhat finicky stuff to use.

3. If that doesn't work for your hair either, an experimental option (that we've had a lot of success with here) is DIY heat treatment using a hairdryer, drying out the lice and killing them. Heat the (dry) hair, especially near the scalp, as long as you can without hurting. Blow from *under* the hair. Repeat daily for 14 days, and comb what you can.

For any of these treatments, if you still find lice (alive or otherwise) after the treatment period, keep repeating the treatment until you don't. Do not skip days - you'll have to start over. Note that lice can be very small and difficult to see!


re: public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

Current hypothesis on the point of origin is , though there's really not enough data yet to confirm this.

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re: public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

@joepie91 there also was cases of scabies at entropia end of march btw

re: public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

@quinn @joepie91 *cries*

let’s just hope nobody brings something extra fun like, i dunno, hiv… into the mix 🥴​

re: public health advisory, head lice, for queer hacker communities especially :boost_requested: 

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