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MPLS folks:

I'm going to host a cyberia "Soupchat IRL" BBQ event to act as a sort of meet and greet / staging area for new folks which we haven't met in person yet, but who are interested in helping out with the physical space

If you wish to chow down with us, and especially if you want to help with the cleanup/renovation, please let me know when you would be available!!

The event will be held in my back yard.

You are not required to bring food, however you are welcome to bring prepared food, or food that can be grilled.

After you have specified the days you would be available, send me a DM on matrix ( or an email ( to get the address / parking information / etc.

@starless please ReToot this I know you have a much larger local fedi following than I do 👉👈🥺

💥NEW💥 feature on stream!! You can join the stream and talk with me in real time via Jitsi Meet!

Music right now: ✨🌊 She Music 🎛👩🏻‍🎤

Side project stream to try to get back into the groove after feeling like shit for long time :(

Working on adding some form of WebMention support to my blog comments system
Working on logs management for greenhouse daemon and listening to 🔫🤖 Cave Story OST 🐰☁️

Forest boosted

sorry it's actually Diffie-Hellman's monster you're referring to

Streaming working on some Caddy config stuff for cyberia's public website

and then gonna hopefully keep working on greenhouse later. Music today: ⚠️🔥 Massive Attack 🌫️🌧️

Sorta fun clip from my stream yesterday showing my software tripping over itself + the command line tool working for the first time ever

Forest boosted

Nice typography video on the design details for Atkinson Hyperlegible, the Braille Institute's accessibility font

trying to stream more today
✨🌊 She Music 🎛👩🏻‍🎤

my ublock origin is taking out google tag manager and a couple other requests on that page... I did try it with ublock turned off, and it was still broken..

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Whoah, apparently if you sit on the page for 30 seconds or so, it will eventually load??

Maybe they have rate limited the "free version" of the docs.

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LOL -- I have long been suspicious that caddy's documentation is intentionally terrible and impossible to use in order to funnel more money into their premium support.

Now their documentation is completely gone:

😂 I find this hilarious, even though I know its probably just a mistake

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.