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queer sci-fi light reading suggestions 

@f0x Good luck! <3

if those are too heavy, I also really like the YA fic The Raven Boys, although that series isn't scifi per se. It was really nice reading for when I had loud feelings/low spoons.

queer sci-fi light reading suggestions 


My current favorite in that niche is probably The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet ( and the corresponding series.

Worth noting is also basically anything by Elizabeth Bear, but I really enjoyed Ancestral Night (

There's a MN-local author named Lyda Morehouse that's written a very cool near-future, super cyberpunk-y, theocracy. The first novel is called Archangel protocol ( , and it's a five ish book series with truly stunning worldbuilding. The first book, IIRC, reads a bit like a trashy, straight romance/old-school detective pulp novel, but the latter ones feel pretty dang cool. If you can get through the straightness of book 1, there's some nice vintage (early 2000s) queer delight in here. Lesbian author, later published/re-published by a transwoman editor. Nice people.

For something a little more involved, I highly recommend Ninefox Gambit ( This series is an absolute delight. I gotta go now, but it's sort of a blend between Korean culture and Texan culture and folks are homosexual by default. It's pretty rad.

so good to have fastcharging usb-c powerbanks now, soooo fast in both charging them and my phone

what if we made it a religious thing that nobody outside family is allowed to see your nose or mouth, so everyone wears masks

fuck you Fortune, for paywalling covid related information

covid psa 

Delta variant's doing numbers

Stay vigilant, even if you're vaccinated

It’s an astonishing day in the town square, and you are a wonderful chick.

secondhanded a Canon 18-55mm to replace my Sigma 28-80mm without autofocus/aperture control, but I will put that one up for sale as to not add to my collection even more

not quite one thousand years, but I did sleep like one thousand minutes (~16 hours)


closed all windows so the sound is gone but now it'll get hotter and hotter here...

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well that's one thing I didn't miss while I was away... why are there ALWAYS people using loud powertools in this neighborhood

I Hate Models - Intergalactic Emotional Breakdown

rather industrial techno stuff, I love the harsh noises in it

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I won beer pong yesterday through this song, by hitting their last cup after an incredibly long game, timed perfectly with the drop

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you ever have an Intergalactic Emotional Breakdown?

Wallace and Gromit went on holiday to the moon way before Branson and Bezos and Musk, and they built their own rocket by their own hands/paws, no big deal

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