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one of the most annoying things about camping while it's rainy?

slugs... they're like stepping into dog poo but the dog poo (slowly) moves into spots where you're most likely to step on them

New CDC guidance on mask wearing 

US CDC updates its guidance, and now says that fully vaccinated persons should continue to wear face masks indoors if they live in areas with 'substantial' or 'high' Covid transmission rates, nearly 2/3 of US counties, in order to avoid 'breakthrough' infection

*me* sleeps with a single contact point on my hip

*also me* hmmm why does my hip hurt

sometimes i wish i could tune out my technobabble

my alertmanager memory use % really needs some hysteresis, helios is perpetually bouncing around 90% used, generating a lot of useless warning/resolved notifications

linux youtubers really are on something else, hyping some arch preconfig distro as revolutionary lmao.. look at NixOS, now *that's* revolutionary

cursed OC: a tenderqueer project manager who writes emails like

any update?


gentle reminder uwu


notices bug OwO any impact on schedule

Coffee, birds, hearing, surreal, planes 

In one ear, I cannot hear low frequency sounds. This means that I often struggle to determine which direction such sounds are coming from.

This morning, I was sitting outside drinking coffee (okay, a coconut mocha antoccino) on my balcony and I heard an airplane presumably overhead. I looked up, though, and couldn't see any airplanes, only a bird, and for a moment, my brain decided that these airplane noises must have been coming from this bird.

This tiny, circling, diving and whirling songbird.

What if birds were just really, really, loud? What if they sounded like jet planes?


damn, it's been more than a year (16th of July) since I had my first registered PCR

also just in general "you cant use queer, queer was a slur!" is confusing because i grew up in the 90s where 'gay' was the slur of the day. i have never once in my life heard 'queer' used as a slur, but gay? oh man. if you heard someone shout GAY on the school yard, a beat down was about to take place.

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18-55mm lens arrived and it's in perfect state, 18mm feels veery weird to look through though, because it's so much wider than normal eyes

haha it seems you've ran out of your totally arbitrary data cap! please pay us an exorbitant amount to get a few more extra bits!

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why are mobile providers such exploitative shitheads

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