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aaaaa another asshole emailed me about getting unsuspended FUCK OFF

if your first response is some language snark, keep it to yourself

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super impressed with the project, looking forward to doing more microcontroller stuff now

#FediTips: if your client is set to @ both the booster and the OP when replying to a boost, TURN THAT SHIT OFF

politics, "civility" 

As a bit of context for those who are unfamiliar: "civility" is a tool of oppression. It doesn't consider whether any harm is done at all, only whether the (pretty much arbitrary) requirements of decorum and appearances are met.

In other words: it explicitly permits any harmful behaviour as long as it appears superficially polite and 'professional' enough. As long as it's plausibly deniable enough.

And it punishes those who speak out loudly or emotionally about being harmed, because that doesn't meet the standards of decorum.

It's a favourite staple of conservatives, as well as naive "reach across the aisle" centrists.

And when someone's view on moderation is all about "civility", also a pretty damn reliable signal that they *cannot* be trusted to protect vulnerable and marginalized folks.

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"Trust us! In our case, we don't need any external accountability," they said

"When we effectively control the network or when blocking us isn't really an option, we'll still be the good guys," they said

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Seeing a lot of takes that assume that big instances on Fedi should exist and idk that seems like a mistake

why did i make this so. fuckin. complicated. for myself

whenever people give me shit about my cat owning a busted old ipad carefully firewalled from the Internet, I show them this

re: meds, calls 

weird.. so this time they did have my meds ready (I got an email on the 18th and 21st), but I was waiting to get an SMS that they put it in the 24/7 pickup machine like I usually get.. but turns out that went wrong but I can just come pick them up (and could've on the 21st..). what a mess

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meds, calls 

time to call the apothecary again, it's always unclear when i can pick up my meds again....

... paid work, that is.

There's plenty of genuinely important structural work that isn't getting done because it's not profitable, of course.

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(Inspired by another toot)

If you're thinking of getting into infosec, you should know that the industry is like 99% military, cops, and bootlickers - and this largely holds true for the available work as well.

You asked to see some Ghibli-ish photos, so here we go :blobartist:

They were taken around my hometown, near the city that inspired Howl's Moving Castle. I edited them with #Lightroom.

I can share some tips to achieve this "anime vibes". Just let me know if you're interested!

🇨🇵 Des fans de #Ghibli par ici ? J'ai édité ces photos pour ressembler à des frames d'anime. J'espère que ça fait à peu près illusion (au moins de loin :blobcatpeek:) !

#photography #photographie #anime #mastoart #alsace

if you listen closely to Energy by Sampa the Great you hear "the Burt and the bees"

Good morning everyone! We just cut the first release candidate for v0.6.0 of GoToSocial: v0.6.0-rc1.

There's a preposterous amount of changes included in this one (we'll do a proper organized list when we do the release proper).

If you feel adventurous and up for helping us out with finding any bugs/regressions in the release, please have a go on the release candidate and let us know if you find any weirdness :)

You can download the release from here -- -- or, for Docker, use tag 0.6.0-rc1.

If you're updating to this release candidate via the binary release tar, please update all the assets too and not just the binary, since there are a lot of frontend changes included.

As usual with a minor version release, there are database migrations included in this one, which will run when you first start up with the new version. LET THIS RUN AND DO NOT INTERRUPT IT or you could end up in an annoying broken state where you have to do manual database interventions.

Thanks! 🏳️‍⚧️ 🌈 :go_to_social: 🦥

you might not like it, but this is what the ideal fediverse client interface looks like

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.