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it's only a subtoot if it comes from the discourse region of mastodon, otherwise it's just sparkling anxiety-inducing content

I think the cruel angel should consider pursuing a doctorate

Luigi: Mario, you got-a learn how to code, all the jobs are on-a the computer

(or rather, git diff > ~/file && git apply ~/file to the local repo because the mounted backup filesystem is read-only)

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forgot to commit? simply mount your last 4-hourly backup and commit from there

fediblock kiwifarms related

yet another freeze peach shithole, listing and as instances with "similar moderation policies"

fucking wild goose chase across the matrix-appservice-irc codebase trying to figure out why my custom quit reasons didn't work (to give maintenance info etc), before realizing Libera will drop the QUIT message if you haven't been connected long enough, as an anti-spam measure

for fucks sake it's 2022 how are you still writing sql injection vulnerabilities

so uhhh anyway if you followed me in the last month and a half, or i followed you, we’re gonna have to follow each other again -_- so please unfollow me from your instance and follow me again

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got the alphavps at 1TB, need to wait for support to mount a NixOS ISO though.. they provide but it's too old so runs into

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ah €12.10 with tax, still similar pricing to buyvm (and actually available)

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scouring but half the providers already having dead sites does not spark much confidence yikes

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mhh i love it when pricing is completely opaque, and you need a credit card as the sole billing method to get started!

pretty sure Scaleway is going to be a nope

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ohh i love when providers invent a million new terms for what are way simpler computing concepts, said noone ever

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buyvm offers this at decent prices too, but they have real stock issues making it impossible to upgrade storage capacity

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