
uh oh
it's very cursed computer rescue time

@pastelpunkbandit i got a new vps at because they have very affordable pricing for 1TB+ hdd storage

but they have a very limited set of mountable ISO's, you can use a custom one (for NixOS in my case) but you have to open a support ticket which takes a while

I installed the disk but re-partitioned and forgot to update the disk uuid's so it doesn't boot, and it already lost the custom ISO so can't use that to fix it...
so now i either wait for my new support ticket, or try figure something out through one of the other distro's, most likely sshfs mounting it on an existing NixOS server and re-installing from there :thinkface:

@pastelpunkbandit ohh! they got back unexpectedly fast (20 minutes), so can do it the much less cursed way haha

@f0x oh nice!!! having to contact support for this seems fucked up either way tho lmao

@pastelpunkbandit yeah, most other providers just have an option to upload your own custom ISO

they do provide which would be a great alternative too, but it's a rather old version with a since-fixed bug that prevents NixOS from booting..

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