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i wish Hetzner offered Storage boxes as "real" disks, so I could manage my own filesystem with more granular and configurable snapshotting than their managed setup

choccy milk cappucino, might add some Kahlua too later

Can't believe people use GtS despite it being in alpha and buggy 🤷‍♀️ weirdos

im bad with constant noise so the past weeks have been a terrible combination of earplugs and anc headphones, all for better ventilation

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decided to finally close the balcony doors again, it makes all the car noises so much more bearable..

if you think about it 2fa OTP is just a fancy keysmash

Had no sale at all this month and I need money so please check out my shop? 🌟 here's a 15% off code for you, valid all weekend: TOOT
Any help and boosts would be very nice, thanks 💙

#MastoArt #CreativeToots

Someone said "Am going to make a coffee with half a bag of sugar and a jar of coffee" to me today, and I get it


got the rosé with the prettiest label and it's so nice and fruity

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.