i wish Hetzner offered Storage boxes as "real" disks, so I could manage my own filesystem with more granular and configurable snapshotting than their managed setup

ohh i love when providers invent a million new terms for what are way simpler computing concepts, said noone ever

mhh i love it when pricing is completely opaque, and you need a credit card as the sole billing method to get started!

pretty sure Scaleway is going to be a nope

scouring lowendtalk.com but half the providers already having dead sites does not spark much confidence yikes

ah €12.10 with tax, still similar pricing to buyvm (and actually available)


got the alphavps at 1TB, need to wait for support to mount a NixOS ISO though.. they provide netboot.xyz but it's too old so runs into github.com/netbootxyz/netboot.

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