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And today, my IRC network has been shut down after a 13-year run. Feels weird.

Cow van jou

(#wordplay on the #Dutch phrase "ik hou (contracted to „'k hou”) van jou", meaning "I love you", where „'k hou” sounds like "cow")

#dailyPhoto #FiXatoFoto #FiXatoCreative #BeardGrabber #parenting #cow #cows #nature #naturePhotography #pun #pun #IkHouVanJou


Today's lunch, same as yesterday's lunch: grilled cheese and a bowl of homemade lentil chili made with the fresh peppers my sister brought over last week =w=

Hypothesis on Bloodstained timelines 

Alfred in the CotM timeline is thus like a grandpa to the whole rogue alchemist family and Gebel is merely a theater kid

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Hypothesis on Bloodstained timelines 

Curse of the Moon took place in a timeline where Alfred openly rebelled against his guild peers and took their most talented shardbinders with him, decreasing their ability to summon demons beyond the amount by surreptitiously removing Miriam alone. The demons nonetheless hunt them down but in the interim Alfred and Johannes are able to stabilize Miriam and Gebel's crystals.

a weaker demon army likewise prevents Dominique from having the crisis of faith she did in Ritual of the Night and she stays on as an exorcist in her parents' footsteps.

The Curse of the Moon alternate ending stinger was a silly crossover gag and didn't really happen, Zangetsu really crawls his way back out of hell RotN style and continues the fight because he's just Like That

There, all the plotholes are closed, can we go to the moon now and punch an angel already?

“Growth is one of the stupidest purposes ever invented by any culture; we’ve got to have an enough. We should always ask ‘growth of what, and why, and for whom, and who pays the cost, and how long can it last, and what’s the cost to the planet, and how much is enough?’”

Donella Meadows via Kate Raworth

Donella Meadows was the environmental scientist who was the lead author on 1972 "The Limits to Growth" report for the Club or Rome.

once read a story about some parents who decided instead of telling their young kids that Santa isn't real, told them that Santa is a spirit of joy and unselfishness and that the big secret is that people have the power to do what Santa Claus does and the kids responded by combining their allowance to buy slippers for a neighbor that was always cranky with them. They wanted to give him Christmas joy too. I'm.

Xenia logo/icon we made! Licensed under the Unlicense (public domain), license text can be found at the GitHub repo (



Completely and entirely free for you to use! Use it, sell it, advertise with it, edit it, draw on it, modify it, distribute it, do whatever you want with it! /g

Please note that the attached PNG file is very low resolution, meant to be an icon. You can re-export it as high-res from the SVG.

tech, crypto nonsense 

So I went to sell some old laptops that I had (decommissioned and destined for the scrap heap originally) to the local computer store to make some scratch, one of the guys said the owner is getting into the gaming PC market because they had a bunch of spare video cards

This store had some LED-lit video cards sitting out in the open going at full speed so I suspected something was up for a while, and I asked, "what, did he used to mine etherium or something?" yep, turns out. lol.

I'm haggling the hell up on these laptops, then ceasing business with them, don't care if they're local if they're gonna be scamming people into a bunch of old mining cards

begpost, please boost, urgent! 

Alright friends and loved ones. It’s the big one.

Help me pay for my moving costs and first month’s rent! AND HELP GET ME THE HELL OUT OF FLORIDA!!! I love you all, and thank you for anything you can contribute <33333

You know what you need in your life? More Caribbean literature and non-fiction.

I shared 10 of my favorite works in this little post from a while back. And I think it's still a solid list.

Should I make another? :P

if you're in Seattle and want to help out at a union picket you're invited to Red Square on UW Campus at 4PM tomorrow. SEIU 925 is in contract bargaining and we're trying to drum up support among UW students for the raises we need. (some of my union siblings are working while homeless). Come join the crowd!

just now realizing that popsockets are how women, tending to be smaller handed, manage to hold a phone securely but reach across it with one hand. i curse every large handed engineer that never had to think much about it and i curse the designers who would rather make the factory model Sleek than add affordances for use

btw have yall seen the steam deck mascot (in japan at least)

their name is pal

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