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Blistering video game music take 

Sorry Toby Fox, but The Cruel King and the Great Hero did the "uplifting final battle mix" better

Really happy to say that WORLD ENDING GAME is out now (in a digital format- print books to come).

World Ending Game is a tabletop game made to be the last session of a campaign in any system. It emulates the end of a film, wrapping your story in a sequence that stays with you, even as you leave it.

You can find it at;

I can't believe Stallman did the "what you're referring to as linux" bit to Alex fucking Jones

Music prompt I arbitrarily thought of: think back to the earliest tune you ever banged out, as far back as childhood, the cringiest and most malodious thing. Now try to reimagine it into something new
The Lost Ways of Programming: Commodore 64 BASIC

"When Commodore 64 starts, a welcome screen from BASIC awaits you. Even if you want to use it to just play games, you start with a programming environment. This tells you that you too can become a programmer and you certainly do not need to download gigabytes of tools and wait hours for your XCode or Visual Studio to install. "

if you think kobolds are just lizards, that's fey erasure and I won't have it

I should make a misadventures of tron bonne but it’s about me and my kobolds did some art of my D&D character Sheaf and I'm over the moon how it turned out.

It really says a lot when a lot of hateful ass white people get so mad about a fucking fictional character being Black

but meanwhile the kids are just fucking happy that there is someone on the fucking screen that looks like them.

I'll never understand, its fucking embarrassing seeing full grown ass adults throwing fits

Times are changing and white people really need to catch up. Not everyone in media has to fucking be boring and bland white people.

If you're having a tough day, remember a million white people downvoted a kid's movie because an imaginary character has too much melanin.

At the very least, you are not that remotely pathetic.

Freedom Planet 2 spoiler gay 

I haven't even played it myself but I watched @karma play it and now I want pictures! Pictures of Cordelia and Merga being cute and gay together!


What the fuck is happening with my nervous system

I am in p a i n

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