Hypothesis on Bloodstained timelines 

Curse of the Moon took place in a timeline where Alfred openly rebelled against his guild peers and took their most talented shardbinders with him, decreasing their ability to summon demons beyond the amount by surreptitiously removing Miriam alone. The demons nonetheless hunt them down but in the interim Alfred and Johannes are able to stabilize Miriam and Gebel's crystals.

a weaker demon army likewise prevents Dominique from having the crisis of faith she did in Ritual of the Night and she stays on as an exorcist in her parents' footsteps.

The Curse of the Moon alternate ending stinger was a silly crossover gag and didn't really happen, Zangetsu really crawls his way back out of hell RotN style and continues the fight because he's just Like That

There, all the plotholes are closed, can we go to the moon now and punch an angel already?


Hypothesis on Bloodstained timelines 

Alfred in the CotM timeline is thus like a grandpa to the whole rogue alchemist family and Gebel is merely a theater kid

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