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committing gender piracy by utilizing the part of the gender spectrum I’m not officially licensed for

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US Drone Strike, Kabul, Death 

Remember that drone strike in Kabul shortly after the terrorist attack at the airport, that supposedly killed a suicide bomber? Well it wasn't a suicide bomber, instead they killed 10 innocent people, including children.

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Due to minor technical difficulties, the Emperor Norton Coffee Hour will be starting one hour later tonight.

Please join #CircusInPlace starting at 8pm UTC-5:

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Indigenous-led resistance to 21 fossil fuel projects in the U.S. and Canada over the past decade has stopped or delayed an amount of greenhouse gas pollution equivalent to at least one-quarter of annual U.S. and Canadian emissions

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You also have the rare opportunity to legally name something Boaty McBoatSpace.

starless boosted recently acquired physical space. it must be named something cool.

cyberia space name recommendations?

I’m looking for something:

- vessel-y
- rusty
- original
- easy to say
- maybe russian or a spaceship, or a submarine
- preferably something organic, communal, or something

we have considered many names, but none quite fit right.

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I've just learned that the word for baseball in Dutch is honkbal and I am DELIGHTED at this.


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friends! I made my own alternative #inktober prompt list last year and it was so fun so I've gone and done it again - I've tried to make it fairly neutral/have no theme ☺️

Anybody is welcome to join me! You can use any medium, do as many as you like, you can even combine the prompts if you want to!

If you join in and choose to post, you can tag me and #rnadtober (you don't have to do this - I just like to see them 💜)
Feel free to repost these anywhere!

#inktoberlist #artprompts #arttober

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Feeling some kinda way about people saying "fuck Texas" in response to recent events... like you realize the victims of all this bullshit our state government does live here too, right?

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did the sustainable thing of putting my own thermos in the coffee machine (which usually just works). Instead it dropped not one, but two paper cups on top and filled that....

TTRPG talk, gaming story 

Update: the setting author gave our GM a shout out and he's very excited about this whole thing. Cigeus is a great GM.

Could you let me know if you'd like transcription of the quoted tweet? It's basically the GM describing in a little more detail our last session.

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TTRPG talk, gaming story 

So, our Ultraviolet Grasslands adventuring group has a wandering farmer character who's been with us since the beginning of the game.

We're in final boss mode now, and he's still with us. As a part of his journeys, he learned one spell: explosive legume growth. He's never used it.

He spends most of his time looking at beans and running various racketeering schemes involving beans. Plus, he's not a bad hunter.

Anyways, the party is in an elevator, headed to our quest destination, but we got stuck part way up. A final boss emerged, and did a ton of psychic damage after some plot talk.

The next round, our healer did not heal the PC, but brought to life a whole sack of dried pea rations. We then shoved them through the holes in the grating of the elevator, and the legume farmer cast his only spell.

This shoved our elevator all the way up to the top floor (where we needed to go for our quest) and we sprinted the magical item into place.

If we fought this dude, we totally woulda died. Instead, we got our asses saved by a legume farmer.

Ultraviolet Grasslands is so cool.

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On the one hand: fingers
But, on the other hand: more fingers

Minneapolis Cyberia Barbecue is Wednesday! 

We've decided on Wednesday at 6 pm in Lyn-lake/uptown! Message me for the address!

If you think computers are cool, you belong in Cyberia. Especially if other tech spaces haven't felt welcoming in the past. We'll have vegan options and plenty of very tasty food, so please do stop by if you're local! 💙

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I wonder how many educators are on here.

There were thriving communities of educators on Tumblr and Twitter, but Tumblr's went to heck after moderated hashtags went away and Twitter is ... Twitter.

The fediverse has, but that's more of an instance for college/university level academics. I'd like to connect with other K-12 educators.

This is a neat essay on the political nature of games and puzzles and TTRPGs. It touches on some colonialism and other problematic things, but only lightly and in a very approachable way.

> Any game worthy of the moniker of ‘game’ must transform the player into a subject by forcing them to desire, that is by telling them what they lack.

> The game gives the player(s) a desire, the rules dictate how they can satisfy it.

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