Minneapolis hacker space meet and greet / open barbecue 

Hi! Cyberia is gearing up to work on our new hackerspace and we'd love to include our new fedi friends!

This whole thing is totally free. Bring just yourself, or possibly just yourself and a snack or something to toss on the grill if ya want.

Here are some days within the next week or so, we'll schedule for when folks can make it. Please vote, we'd really love to have ya! framadate.org/ApSCeoP7O3Qi4MgZ

(more details in next toot)


Minneapolis Cyberia Barbecue is Wednesday! 

We've decided on Wednesday at 6 pm in Lyn-lake/uptown! Message me for the address!

If you think computers are cool, you belong in Cyberia. Especially if other tech spaces haven't felt welcoming in the past. We'll have vegan options and plenty of very tasty food, so please do stop by if you're local! 💙

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