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Mtg, proxy, menstruation 

Helped a friend finish up proxies for his cube today.

I'd like to explore Pixelfed a little bit and am interested in finding a server. Any recommendations?

boosts welcome. :)

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Proton mail, who claim they don't keep IPs, have handed the IPs of climate activists over to the French police. The activists had their homes searched and were arrested.

So the only way Protonmail is secure is if you use a VPN

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No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

Explaining in understandable terms why Bitcoin uses so much power, why all these supposed 'alternatives' cannot fix the problem, how other coins are a scam, and how proof-of-stake is ultimately a dead end too.

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me: do you sell ducks?

him: yes, but they're going quick

me: ok I'll take one

duck: quick
me: I see

(stolen from

Cyberia has a physical space in Minneapolis! We'll be building it out over the next couple of months. As always, the best way to talk to us is via our matrix, but enjoy the faq below!

Also, huge thanks to @forestjohnson and @j3s for really driving this home. It takes a village, but this has been a long time coming, and without their dedication, it wouldn't have happened. Can't wait to help build the new place! 💙

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Though Surveillance Capitalism is a global phenomenon and a universal term, it is interpreted differently by people from different regions.

Americans see this mostly as a monopoly/anti-trust problem.

Europeans are calling it digital feudalism.

The once-colonized global south sees it as digital colonialism.

All of these interpretations are not only simultaneously true but also demonstrate that this issue is multi-faceted.

#SurveillanceCapitalism #DigitalColonialism #DigitalFeudalism

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open for an inspiring speech! 

mew! mew mew mew, mew mew? :blobcat3c: mew mew mew! mew mew! :netkitty_w: mew mew mew mew :blobcatlove: mew!! :netkitty_mew:

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The comrades at @ruangrupa_ruru are live shortly, tune in to a nice programme and also help load test their self-managed infrastructure 👌

We're running this infrastructure on @coopcloud configurations which are available for all to reuse which aligns with the lumbung model.

Autonomic is proud to be supporting this much needed intervention into reclaiming digital infrastructure.


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i found a forum post from 2005 linking to the best buy page for this monitor and the URL still works! how? check out this great marketing image with olde timey web sites

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Live human event tonight, Minneapolis 

To celebrate Ground Zero Nightclub in Minneapolis (finally) requiring vaccination for entry, I'll be doing cool stuff in the back room with computers and Barbie Glamtastic Texters.

Also, there'll be some visuals courtesy of a collaboration between and up until midnight cst, so you might wanna check that out, too.

I'll be the nerd with the laptop, crop top and n95 aura mask, feel free to say hi! :)

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lawn signs 

the sex forest lawn signs are about as popular as shiela lawn signs here in w8. no Kate or Jacob signs on my walk so far today.

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I've got lawyer bills and apartment cleanup/repair fees to pay so if people would care to commission me, I'd be grateful.

$14.58 is in my bank account and the lawyer's asking for $409.50 and the apartment corporate office is asking for $1076.41

my cashapp is $SorrelTyree

Texas politics, abortion 

Yo, there's some real fucked up restrictions that went into place. You might know someone who could benefit from you (yes, YOU) having the substances mentioned here on-hand.

Remember that at six weeks, most people still don't know they're pregnant.

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twitch abuse 

Twitch Streamers are taking Today off to Protest Hate Raids and Abuse

Twitch streamers boycott the platform to raise awareness for marginalized voices

Twitch streamers are on strike to protest inaction over abuse

These are three different things. :flan_think:​ Protesting bad user behavior, protesting the refusal to listen to complaints about it, protesting against refusal to take action.

By the time you get all three, stuff is really bad and has been really bad for a long time.

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So we're not crossing picket lines on Sept 1st at Twitch, right folks?

Support marginalized Twitch streamers and do not interact with Twitch on Sept 1st. This is to raise awareness for the countless cases of racist, homophobic and transphobic attacks on a platform that has falsely promised improvement.


Here’s Why Black and LGBTQ+ Gamers Are Taking #ADayOffTwitch | them.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.