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Canadians, is your workplace or organization recognizing September 30th, the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation?

If yes, what specifically are you doing?

If no, have you asked your employer why not?

(If Canada lowered its flag for a day, for every child known to have died at your residential schools, the flag would not raise for 18 years.)

(Boosts encouraged.)

starless boosted Sodium ion batteries are now a reality! Not as performant as lithium, but doesn’t require lithium mining and will hopefully be cheaper once production scales

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Fellow retro-perverts, i have good news! My CSS style for Mastodon that styles it like Windows 9x is now complete! #userstyle #mastodon #css

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What term best describes when software corps pull features from their free version and force you to pay for them? Especially the case where they take community contributions and put them behind a paywall? "Treehousing" evokes the idea of building a treehouse together but when youre down below, they pull up the ladder on you. "Gangplanking" is perhaps more self-describing ;) other ideas welcome! inspired by @dumpsterqueer and @handle

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Obesity is caused by environmental contaminants, not personal diet/exercise

Incredibly in-depth thread giving a tl;dr, linking to their various well-sourced articles

All linked articles are on

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Since I have no idea what to do of the impulsively-purchased, I am giving away free subdomains for anyone who wants one. Just DM me the IP and the subdomain you want and I'll assign it to your server IP

:boost_rainbow: Boost Welcome

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Hot girl summer is dying
Fat boy fall is waiting to be born.
Now is the time of monsters.

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Spread this to black trans or non-binary people you know: the Marsha P. Johnson Institute is paying $500 directly to black trans or non-binary folks, with priority given to black trans women and those who have experience as sex workers or have been formerly incarcerated

Tired, death (not mine), very bad mental health (not mine), unethical psych stuff, substance use, just real bad vibes and sui****, venting 

Friday was a big day. Saturday was a big day. Today, I try to rest.

Today, I cannot entirely rest.

I had a phone call with a friend from college. Another one of our friends died a couple of days ago. We hadn't been close.

He'd been kind of an ass to his girlfriend, who eventually left him a few years ago. He was broke, delusional, and insisted that he was getting sufficient psych help because someone he knew online was ostensibly writing (with intent to publish) an academic paper on his presentation of DID. The friends who were visiting him at the time pushed, but didn't want to actively do something against his will. A couple of weeks later, he was found dead, presumably of asphyxiation or overdose.

Once upon a time, he was really cool. But, more relevantly, he was also an asshole. People tried for years to get him to be less of an asshole. He treated others and himself badly. But he clearly was in need of more help than he got, and his death weighs.

We checked in on him. We did as much work as we could stomach. And he was still an asshole and he is still dead. Sometimes, the world is just ugly.

Be careful about where you're getting your mental health help from, and maybe check in on your friends who are trying to navigate things like finding a therapist or getting competent treatment. And, you know, if sobriety is hard, maybe go talk to someone you trust about that.

If you're dating an asshole, it's okay to stop and leave. This could have been so much worse if his ex weren't elsewhere.

Life is fleeting. Maybe love your friends a little louder today. Big oof day.

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The Mutual Aid Response Network is accepting donations for their Hurricane Ida relief fund.

They're legit, and run through NOLA's Imagine Water Works.

Please boost.

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the Bachelor but the women stop competing for the guy and form a polycule

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It may bring #accessibility issues into clearer focus if we call "inaccessible" what it really is: Disabling.

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Lyme disease vaccine 

Pfizer's starting the final Phase 2 trial for a Lyme disease vaccine (Phase 3 to follow):

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If anyone's looking to get a cheap capture card, get this:

It can record at 1080p60 raw, the firmware is very hackable, and there's somewhat of a community working on writing an alternative firmware for it.
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As reality continues to have more nervous energy than a puppy drinking espresso, I'm grateful to have #CircusInPlace.

While I'm in there training my acrobatic skills, it's also become a little oasis filled with friends willfully talking about anything but the grim details of the day.

It has saved my insanity during the last year and a half, and I'm happy to be able to share that space with anyone who needs it.

The video chat starts at 8pm UTC-5, and runs all night.

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I spent a day helping to maintain a 3000-year-old hillside chalk monument with a group from Long Now London. Crushing chalk into the ground with a hammer was so satisfying that I kept forgetting to enjoy the view, and I had some great conversations with the interesting people that the task attracted (including @mdales)

Here's a writeup with photos from the previous excursion:


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Anyone have any recommendations for good places to buy crochet supplies online? Particularly somewhere with a good selection of non-wool yarn.

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Please donate to the #StopLine3 bail fund, even if you can only give a dollar or two that is that much closer to someone to make bail.

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I create special editions of books for charity auctions at conferences. The plague has shut down the cons, so I'm opening this to THE WHOLE DANGED INTERNET.

Only five copies of this edition of "FreeBSD Mastery: Jails" exist. Four are spoken for. Help human trafficking survivors start their lives over.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.