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besides i try not to brag or anything, and i feel like this is indirectly bragging so i might remove it idk

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last night I came across the potion seller video

"im going into battle, potion seller, I NEED your strongest potions"

im probably better at writting than i think too

i really should stop downplaying my skills and accomplishments but i also wish to mind and sometimes fear the ego

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sometimes i recieve indirect reminders that I am actually really fucking good at video games compared to the average player

mh - and ph - 

everything feels bad

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mh - and ph - 

i just want to sleep

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mh - and ph - 

anxiety attack

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

evil mad scientist yuri plots to expand the polycule :flagQueerVillainPride:

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

Edit: mutual aid goal reached, thank you so much everyone! 

Hey friends,

We only live on my disability benefits and my fiancé has a serious dental infection. She's on meds but still has to see a dentist asap to avoid losing her sight.

She has no social security so we'll have to pay for everything.

Raising money for:
Her tooth
My blood test and non refunded meds
Power bills, 564€

Total: ~740€

Anything helps, thank you so much for any boost/donation!

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

Non-human entities can have a copy of Celeste, as a treat

all i know about Yakuza series atm is Goro Majima is Everywhere, dramatic phone answering animation, beat up men with bicycle.
seems fun

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