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ive had the tail thing for a while just never brought it up

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wonder if ill ever encounter a ghost again

the succubus/demon thing probably solves the phantom tail i seem to have

i got as far as adding true crime podcast upgrade and then had to stop

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weirder things have happened to me tbh

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just kinda accepting that sometimes Sal is elsewhere doing...whatever it is she does and isnt immediately available in headspace. its weird cause we are still in contact

telepathic vampire sisters

adding this as an impossible 100% due to uhh, well, yeah

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stimulation clicker also known as "TOO MUCH TOO MUCH"

has wings, would still rather take a beetle to work :bestbeetle:

"you cant be a vampire and a succubus at the same time" wrong. blender explode.

cute girl has burst of happy energy, begins bouncing in place happy stimmimg

youd let a cute vampire into your house right

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