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im sorry dave, youre too beautiful
i will open the pod bay doors, kiss me you fool

06:37! beep! (13:37 in at least one other timezone)

it thinks having a dedicated storage device on a necklace is very very gender 🥰

times of the day that it will beep (as stored in Memory Box module

Hey all, this is a call for #mutualaid .

If you're a lefty in #Bristol there's a good chance you know about Cafe Kino. It's a worker-owned cooperative cafe and radical space for people to host gigs, raise money for the unhoused, and find space for kindness in our hemmed-in world. It's a cornerstone for anarchic joy in Stoke's Croft. Some of my most formative memories here in Bristol have been through the joy of fellow queer anarchics making strange music, eating spicy vegan burgers, the soft eyes and wonderful conversation.

It's also running out of time. The pandemic, gentrification, and inflation have left Cafe Kino on its knees. So please, if you care about preserving radical spaces and have a bit of money to spare, I highly encourage you donate to #SaveCafeKino. If not, please boost this. Places like Cafe Kino are part of the wonderful fabric of Bristol's queer scene. We've lost too many community hubs already. Let's lend a helping hand to the beautiful people at Cafe Kino. Your support will go a long way. Thank you.

doll transportation *placed into overhead compartment while awawawawawa*

knew it had to wake up early today, still not joyous about it

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