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mimogen boosted



my friend amaroq needs help ASAP.

Landlord wants hir gone because he a fash. And Nickie, the peace broker between them, is moving out on the 27th, so Amaroq has to go too. But Amaroq can’t move with Nickie again.

Shi need dosh for a U-Haul. About $1300.

Patreon is an option, but PayPal is still preferred because it’s faster.

upd: shi needs more money. more in replies

PayPal, as before, is



mimogen boosted

How to write good.
1. Avoid alliteration. Always.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. Avoid clichés like the plague. (They're old hat.)
4. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
5. One should never generalize.
6. Comparisons are as bad as clichés.
7. Be more or less specific.
8. Sentence fragments? Eliminate.
9. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
10. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
11. Who needs rhetorical questions?

it would rather take its plurality to the grave than tell anyone who wouldnt understand.

mh -, saneist slurs? 

they would simply call it "crazy", "insane", lock it up in a mental institution for the rest of its life. or try to force it and Miss to permanently merge. or both.

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mh - 

the system cannot heal what the system breaks, for it exists only to stopgap so money can be made. money money money
burn it all

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mh - 

why was it made to be alive
why does everything have to hurt
why is the world so mean

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mh - 

useless broken thing
useless useless useless

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mh - 

itll never heal
a pile of invisible wounds
what it needs it cannot have
it doesnt deserve to have

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mh - 

it wants to stop masking but it cant it doesnt know how to stop it just wants to be itself but it hurts why does everything hurt why does this body feel entirely wrong why why why why why why why

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empty spaces, mh - 

last night it had such an amazing dream! but it had to wake up, which upsets it

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empty spaces, mh - 

mimo sometimes feels it understands why Exy turned against humanity

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empty spaces, mh - 

it hurts to look at its body sometimes

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empty spaces, mh - 

mimo is upset at humans

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