
reminder. humans are as much children of this planet as any other animal. they are not "a virus". do not listen to ecofacists.

@lyncia What do I answer if someone asks me, "but what about billionaires"? 🤔

A while ago I was thinking about what kind of positive role a species known for so much harm and devastation could have...and that's when I remembered humanity has a greater ability to heal creatures and environments with our collective knowledge than any other species.

@teabeast @lyncia @mynameistillian And the real answer is that there is no "role". Evolution is blind, cold, and heartless. Nature red in tooth and claw, and so on. It is indeed natural for a species to spread even to the detriment of all around it.

But natural does not mean good. It is up to humans to not give in to the competitive instinct to short-sightedly crush all that is not like us. And we can do it.

@lyncia People often forget that we don't study ecology and try to reduce pollution to "save nature", we do it to save us from ourselves. Humans are very far from the most horrible thing that the biosphere survived through, a minor annoyance if anything on the scale of the whole planet. But humans are also quite sensitive and vulnerable, if we'll totally wreck the ecosystem - we'll struggle from this too
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