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Orchid! boosted

shoo straight person go look at a stock market or something

punching that thinkpad power button like im starting a car

Orchid! boosted

As someone who actually has NPD, I'd like to beg people to STOP armchair diagnosing every fucking Nazi with it. Please. You're not hurting them, you're only hurting us. Actually, you're only hurting those of us who are self aware and care enough to try to be a better person. Armchair diagnosing or comparing bad people with disabilities bounces off of them and just hurts disabled people. Please stop. Same goes for body shaming Nazis. We can be better than them.

for context i stayed up pretty late, by choice this time cause i wanted to talk to someone


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my body really kinda went "ur ass gettin 8 hours of sleep whether you like it or not"

*pa speaker* to the entity owning a....giant rhinocerous beetle, it is currently in the parking lot flipping the volkswagon beetles over.

shoo straight person go look at a stock market or something

Orchid! boosted

Queer family with kids in hostile central Florida need help. We are in dire need of food and $760 in overdue bills
Venmo: @londonshine
cashapp: $glamorshark

aight i really should eepy beepy im up wayyy too late and very :battery_low:

cursed, country music 

chicken fry might as well be an i spy prompt in song form

ill have to find the pair of jeans that fit just right somewhere else, we dont pants in this house

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