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to interrupt normal startup, press the blue thinkvantage button

@byte @0x4d6165 "linux of high quality" is a sentence that apparently tickles my brain is a funny way

@0x4d6165 i noticed that on my x220 on the bottom, little holes with a pictograph of a keyboard and a water droplet

x220 review: this keyboard fucks
as compared to: shitty laptop keyboards

"sir where did all our commas go"
"the goddamn girlthings used them all up"

the robot polycule and their plushie girlfriend

i dont suffer from head empty im actually really good at it

good news! my website *will* have a fish button that does nothing when clicked

the threat model has been adjusted. Pray i do not adjust it further

why dont laptops come with charm attatchment points

got my rss setup, email, vlc, office stuff, lynx, tic80, handbrake

just need Pico 8, libdvdcss, torrent client for my linux isos, my movies (and plex maybe, depends how much memory it uses idle)

tiney compy

if i released volumes of haiku in book form would others even buy them

theres so many genders on this social network

and bug
and [untranslatable ancient text]
and haunted dress up dolly (me)

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