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@nytpu flat and you slot them in is literally all i based this opinion on

sd cards are the modern floppy disk and I will die on this hill

pondering the 9front drawterm issues and coming to the conclusion that i mustve fucked something up in configuring 9front itself because as far as I can see, my port forwarding is setup correctly. so something mustve gone wrong on the 9front side of things. honestly considering using qemu's VNC function as a stopgap or alternate remote access solution

@darkphoenix hes been diagnosed with smooth jazz and incredible music ability

have tea so im quickly approaching my full power

good news! my website *will* have a fish button that does nothing when clicked

the threat model has been adjusted. Pray i do not adjust it further

why dont laptops come with charm attatchment points

got my rss setup, email, vlc, office stuff, lynx, tic80, handbrake

just need Pico 8, libdvdcss, torrent client for my linux isos, my movies (and plex maybe, depends how much memory it uses idle)

tiney compy

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