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i really want to play with Plan 9 again that os is peak funky

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plan 9 implies 8 other plans, which are probably all the unix derrivatives

@rgbunny omg the dancy emoji :konadancy: mines named wrong (past screen name) but dancy

Help Daria, a 26 years old trans woman escape florida's bigoted, anti-trans government and move to California where she can get gender affirming care covered through her insurance. Funds will be used for travel and shipping costs to move her belongings to California. She has no support from her family and would appreciate even a dollar in support from us.

Goal: 1700/2000


Tags: #MutualAid #TransCrowdFund #TransMutualAid #fundraiser #fundraising #crowdfunding #crowdfund #GTFOmyState

Help Nina, a trans woman move out of Texas to Washington by July, 2025. Money will be used for rent and down payment as she tries to find a stable job.

"Texas is beginning to pass harsher and more dangerous legislation that directly effects me as a trans woman. My identity is not legally recognized and most recently, Odessa (where I go to meet my endocrinologist for HRT) has recently passed a bathroom ban targeted at transgender individuals that can result in us paying up to $10,500 usd."

Goal: 1145/8000 dollars


Tags: #GTFOmyState #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #crowdfunding #fundraising

get yourself an enby who can phase through walls and steal cool stuff

the threat model has been adjusted. Pray i do not adjust it further

why dont laptops come with charm attatchment points

got my rss setup, email, vlc, office stuff, lynx, tic80, handbrake

just need Pico 8, libdvdcss, torrent client for my linux isos, my movies (and plex maybe, depends how much memory it uses idle)

tiney compy

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.