my soft girl goals or manifesto or whatever
instead of trying to continue to appear "strong" and push my emotions away and bottle everything up i now dress cutely, try to let my emotions show, be weird freely, and essentially become soft and cuddly and cutesy. Surrounded by calming pastels, cuddling my favorite plushies, feeling very loved by my partners, getting excited over the simplest things, looking at the world through eyes of revolutionary wonder and amazement, as if everything was full of posibillity. and if that means i dress a little weird in some ways and act a bit odd then so be it. Awawawa.
dollpost, new type of doll
Archivist Doll
Usb sticks dangling from a keychain
constantly reading something or organizing the bookshelves/database
manages its witch's library and keeps it organized and tidy
Hosts book club every so often
usually wearing cute glasses and comfy clothes
Sometimes i turn on a screen reader to navigate my phone without looking at it. I am sighted. However:
Describe your fucking images. When it just says "image" or "media" it pisses me off fast. If it pisses me off fast, consider how blind folks feel.
Describe your fucking images. or I'm gonna steal your memes and do it for you.
short writing, "KetsuiPachi" (DDP DFK Black Label Arrange)
No Remorse, Last Stand
"Type A, Report"
"Type A?"
the last thing heard from the carrier ship was a mayday signal before what sounded like a high-powered energy blast had hit dead on.
"Type A reporting, carrier down."
It was good to hear at least the pilot doll was ok.
"Unidentified enemy attacking....its..."
"Type A you are to engage it. Whatever attacked you cannot be allowed to follow you back. Does this one understand?"
"Type A?"
"Its beautiful.....the barrages are immense...."
"Type A focus!"
"Its.....its Hivac..."
"What?..... What?"
and then the comms line went dead. The Comms doll could only hope for the best.
mutual aid request
Hi! I'm an unemployed white transfemme artist and tech repairish person who could use some help paying bills and such! I have my Kofi linked in my profile, and I do take requests for simpleish pixel art!
#MutualAid #TransMutualAid
Blahaj is no longer ikea
it is something beyond simple mortal "corporations"
an egregore created from the worldwide recognization as a trans symbol and the gay energy of pretty much every transbian on the planet.
a benevolent creature only seeking to bring calmness, peace, and good rest to those that encounter it.
@BestGirlGrace @ben "they" wasnt officially in the dictionary until 2005, which was implemented as a nerf on genderless individuals to prevent them from becoming Unreferable and thus buerocratically invisible to Business-class mains.
Orchid is a sleepy doll girl and artist of various mediums, mostly written text. Enjoys cute clothes and stuff, cool bugs, games, mecha and planes and other vehicles, and making things. She/Her, It/Its.
Salamander Rosegarden is The Maiden Of The Eternal Garden, a witch focused on plant based magic. Often pondering food recipies or admiring Mimara's weird behaviors.
Neither of them are human. They are very in lesbians with each other.
20s, white, traumaqueer, plural.
posts nsfw often. adults only please!
Banner: "Well this rates about a 9 on my weird shit-o-meter" silkscreened onto the Jammit PCB for Area 51 Site 4 by Atari Games