i was trying to find information on the GNU gnu's pronouns (found nothing, of course) and I found some nerds arguing in the homestar runner wiki talk pages about how the "open source" in "open source greg" isn't the same thing as "free software"

gnu.org/graphics/agnuhead.html says "He or she appears to be smiling contentedly with its works as of yet, but it still gazes off into the distance.", implying the gnu is bigender (trigender?)

@BestGirlGrace "he or she or it" is the new and improved "I don't know the word 'they'"



@BestGirlGrace @ben "they" wasnt officially in the dictionary until 2005, which was implemented as a nerf on genderless individuals to prevent them from becoming Unreferable and thus buerocratically invisible to Business-class mains.

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