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junø boosted

Like, I dunno, when people donate money to "Mastodon" on Patreon, I don't really think they are doing it so can be the biggest, bestest server ever.

They want features, and they want developers who work on the project to be paid, and they probably want stuff like a community manager (who could be paid) and all kinds of stuff like that.

And if you give them that toolkit and a fairly easy "press play" way to spin up their own server, like....again...

What if instead of "Join Server" there was also a "Create Server" button?

And that server got preloaded with a blocklist (which could match's, I don't especially care so long as it's not empty), and there was really good initial setup tools for new admins.

And then mastodon just has to scale outward, not upward.

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junø boosted

climate catastrophy, liberal propaganda 

Once you realize you've heard about 'carbon capture' only being a few years away since you were a fucking child you really start to see how that idea is always deployed.

"A genius will invent a technology that will surely solve our mistakes faster than we can keep making them" is literally just "a wizard will save us" for STEM-bros. It's utter nonsense.

And it's always said in the same breath as " we don't need to fix our emissions now", too 😐

junø boosted

"I just have some concerns", long :boost_requested: 

We all know the concern trolls who are "raising some concerns" when talking about protections for marginalized folks, and who already know that they're not problems, they're just trying to sow discord.

But another, more insidious form of this are the people - usually centrists or liberals - who legitimately believe that they are raising legitimate concerns, and are doing so in a harmful manner.

There's an obvious form of privilege here; those raising the concerns are typically not part of the affected group, and so unlike the affected group, they can afford to treat it like some hypothetical thought experiment, whereas the affected marginalized folks are living the consequences right here and now.

But that's not what I want to talk about. Because it goes much deeper than that.

For example, these "concerns" are usually the absolute most obvious things that you could think of - and somehow, the concern-raisers believe that they are specially qualified to have such a novel insight.

They don't stop to consider that maybe this concern was already raised hundreds of times before, and relitigated over and over again, and found to not be (sufficiently) relevant. They don't really take the time to research it - instead just assuming that they're the first.

That's privilege.

This usually combines with another problematic factor; when the concerns are raised, a response like "yeah we've thought of that" isn't considered enough. Instead, the concern-raiser will not stop pushing until *they, personally* are satisfied that it's addressed.

They are not merely raising a concern to help; they are considering themselves to be the arbiter of truth, as if their approval is required to go ahead with the plan. They are assuming authority.

That's privilege.

Those in the best position to understand the circumstances and needs of marginalized folks, are those marginalized folks themselves. Approval by the privileged is not required.

Listen to marginalized people. Yes, even if you have "concerns".

mh-, content note meta, doomposting, climate 

can you all please put your doomposting about the climate emergency behind content notes? my mental health is bad enough as is.

junø boosted

why dresses don't have pockets 

1. Get a dress with pockets

2. get some heavy rocks and put them in the dress

3. spin around really fast for a while, until the rocks are really soaring

4. undo the arm straps or whatever while you spin

5. DUCK under the dress fast enough for it to come off and let the momentum of the spin send the rocks + dress flying off into the air

6. get good enough at doing this that you can destroy your enemies this way and demolish the patriarchy

junø boosted

Regulatory Bodies: “ADHD medication is highly addictive”

#ADHD Folks: “Wait… did I take my pills?"

junø boosted

Unless you do The Work, you are under the thrall of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and ableist ideas that have been bombarding your subconscious before you knew what your own name is.
You can't fake having done The Work.
A polite, genteel affect will not save you.
The Work is the Truth.

junø boosted

I'm developing a REAL PROBLEM with people who share voice notes or images instead of text.

Example 1) Dr's receptionist sends me a looooooooong voice note of office noise, and somebody reading her a number, which she then repeats to me, quickly followed by a text that says "that's the authorisation number".

Umm. OK. Why not just text me the number? Since you sent me a text anyway?

Example 2) Neighbourhood trustees share all their communications in the Whatsapp group as images of text on a pretty background, so we can't copy numbers or addresses, or easily search for a particular message.

When I query this, the head of the trustees tells me "just do an image search"

And when I query that he sends me a screenshot of how to access media posted in the group.

#WTAF #WhatTheHell #AmICrazy? #TimeForACupOfTea

junø boosted

cishet techbros think fedi is failing because nobody interacts with their posts

they don't know the secret:

clears throat


junø boosted
junø boosted

psych stuffs 

Greetings from grippy sock jail everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

junø boosted

lewd nonsense 

Freud's hypothesis of penis envy stems from his suppressed subconscious desire to suck a girl's cock

junø boosted

Hallo trans* und nicht-binäre Geeks und Nerds,
wir wollen am 16.06. abends in Bremen den Film TransGeek zeigen und sind auf der Suche nach einer neurodivergenten Person, die mit uns auf dem Podium über trans*, nicht-binär und Geek-/Nerdkultur reden möchte. Insbesondere würden wir gerne über Geek-/Nerdkultur und Spezialinteressen reden. Infos zum Film:

PS: Wir haben natürlich ein Budget für Reisekosten, Übernachtung und Honorar.

junø boosted
junø boosted

gender shitpost 

he she and they are your starter genders, you have to find the other ones in tall grass

junø boosted
junø boosted

Some good reasons to use Subjects / Content Warnings here on the fedi 

It lets people opt-in to reading whatever you're discussing.
It allows people with traumas and triggers time to reflect before opening something.
You can use them to set up joke punchlines.
Instead of putting "🧵 2/??" or whatever at the bottom of your posts, you can put the post number in the subject field instead and it makes your thread easier to navigate.
Collapsed posts take up way less space on the timeline, making it easier to navigate.
People will still read your posts (I promise okay?), and opting in to reading something is more meaningful than being forced to read it anyway.
Subjects / Content Warnings are well supported across pretty much all fedi software.

Please add Subject / CW to your posts!

junø boosted

Steaming hot fedi take 

Twitter always sucked. Fuck Mastodon. Us queers need a tumblr clone

junø boosted

hollywood adaptation of The Dispossessed

the studio execs are on board but they insist on making a few changes. nothing too severe!

really minor things, you'll hardly notice most of them. the main one is instead of the main character being Shevek, instead he's Shrek

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.