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@ben my favourite games, Sim Tycoon, Planet Architect, and, of course, Theme

can confirm that the normal internet archive crawler bot is also blocked by Cloudflare's "block AI scrapers" setting

and even if I whitelist the ASN, the "block AI scrapers" setting gets handled first

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"the URL for your Steam Deck compatibility explanation page must begin with"


Are there any videos, articles etc on consent and boundaries not made about sex or for partners but a more general approach for all types of relationships but also delve into power dynamics etc?

Posting this in English too because it's just baffling.

Albert Heijn, a Dutch supermarket chain, has been spending significant piles of money advertising their new "AH Terra" store brand, which is supposed to be all about plant-based food.

They've just rebranded their canned beans to fall under that brand, and to 'celebrate', they published a magazine with bean-based recipes.

Half of which use dairy ingredients. 🤦‍♂️

Kijk, an sich is het prima als je bonenrecepten met zuivel publiceert. Ook prima als je dat in je receptenblaadje doet.

Maar om dat te doen specifiek in de context van "we vieren het rebranden van de bonen onder het Terra-merk"... dan heb je het echt niet helemaal begrepen.

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Speciaal receptenblaadje van de Albert Heijn, over koken met "AH Terra" bonen (ingeblikte bonen dus, maar onder het 'plantaardige merk').

En dan zit er zuivel in de helft van de recepten. Waar ben je dan in godsnaam mee bezig?

I like to remind people periodically of one of my favorite days on the fedi:

A new person publicly asked, "Am I allowed to say Fuck TERFs here?"

And not only were they told it was okay, they spawned an avalanche of supportive folks all publicly proclaiming "Fuck TERFs!".

And unlike literally every other social network I could mention, not one person popped up to argue or complain or harass the person in question.

It was pretty awesome.

And so to this day I often say I'm on the "Fuck TERFs" side of the fedi. Like, if you can hear me, you're on the Fuck TERFs side of the fedi.

"Well the govt workforce does need to be downsi--"


Why tho

"I don't want my tax dollars spent on studying the sand flea [or whatever]"

Why not

America is the richest country in the world. Why shouldn't they learn about the sand flea?

"It's wasteful"

That scientist costs less than 1 bomb

Spent 20 minutes fighting search engines to understand that my problem is not *that* other common similar problem. Gave up, switched over to "which other programs might have had that problem, to look at their code".

I quickly found a solution – in my own old code :neocat_googly:

politics, AI, copyright 

People have been clamoring for copyright reforms and/or abolishment for decades to deal with the many injustices that people are frequently faced with, and absolutely nothing is happening.

Meanwhile a bunch of AI companies lobby for being basically allowed to legally ignore copyright so that they can exploit other people's work for free, and within a few years the UK government is tabling plans to make that happen.

When will people finally stop believing the myth that copyright has anything to do with "protecting artists"?

I so often see cleaning advice like "use a soft microfiber cloth" but nobody ever bothers to mention that microfiber cloths are really good at getting hard bits like crumbs stuck into them and that if you reuse that cloth, it'll badly scratch up whatever you're trying to clean

Hey, I'm looking for help with good resources for a few topics:
Micro aggressions
Tone policing and respectablity politics (do these go together?)

And other stuff that a lot of moderators might not see and understand. This is not for the fedi but for another community (on a discord), and I'm just trying to leave it better than I found it by at least giving them the resources if they want the tools to improve.

(I'm asking for help because my spoonie self is struggling atm)

periodic reminder that Barcelona has a supercomputer inside an old church and it's one of the most rad things you can see

I feel like the most punk thing you can do with a computer, more so than anything you could code, is teach someone else how to use it—that is, teach someone how to use it in the way the powers that be don't want them to. The thing is, despite apparently living in the computer-generated social apocalypse, nobody's clamoring to learn how to use the command line, which makes me think the most punk thing you can *practically* do with a computer is to make it obsolete to some simpler social process

military contractors, FOSS 

If you try to argue that military contractors are 'welcome' in your project because of 'inclusivity' then that immediately tells me what your politics are, and the discussion ends there, you are a violent collaborator. I don't care what justifications you think you have.

You might think that I'm talking about a specific project here but I can think of at least 3 different(!) projects that this applies to.

kicad drama 

honestly equivocating "trans people are welcome in our community" with "arms manufacturers are welcome in our community" is just disgusting.

this isn't a job we're not a fucking corporate interest. we are people, defense companies are not people. it's not that fucking complicated.

Music recommendation:

Unfortunately they don't seem to have done anything else since that album, which is a shame!

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