
Music recommendation:

Unfortunately they don't seem to have done anything else since that album, which is a shame!

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I originally discovered this in the early 2010s while trawling Jamendo for neat stuff. I still have a FLAC copy here, grabbed from the undocumented FLAC download endpoint. Possibly the only FLAC copy in existence now?

(I re-discovered it while going through my local music folder, which has survived through all these years, somehow)

@joepie91 That is one of the most badass pieces of album art I've ever seen.

@rallias Welp, did not realize there was a maximum download limit...

Another attempt:

@joepie91 I wouldn't be surprised if it was generous, just that Mastodon's lack of respect for robots.txt was responsible.

TY for the re-link.

@rallias I'm not so sure; you need to actually click a button to start the download, it'd be weird if it just counted the pageviews for the download page

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