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Another detour through 21.11. Can I install 24.11 now?

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@joepie91 wait, the proper way to keep my Nix updated is not to leave those warnings be warnings until they've become hard errors?

Relaxing on the t'gallant yard while reeving in the main mast stun sail gear.

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Also I am basically playing a game of "how many soft-deprecated option warnings can I collect before Nix decides that it's had enough and I must fix these options *right now*"

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What the hell, the upgrade to 19.09 succeeded but turned off my swapfile in the process??

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I feel like those two posts, with a text box for "try to _____", would be a successful meme template.

I hate apps. I hate loading circles. I hate grey squares. Why can't apps just tell me the reason why they decided to show placeholders? Not "something went wrong". HTTP too slow? DNS resolver too slow? v4 missing? v6 missing?

lmfao it ran out of memory while evaluating, because of course it did

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Another detour through 19.09 because of a Nix >= 2.2 requirement...

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Also, even a remote deployment via morph didn't work on this system, because the protocol underlying nix-copy-closure has changed enough that my local copy of Nix was incompatible with the one on the other system

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almost done. just need to print some more spacers for assembly (to get the space between drawers right)

lessons learned:
- there's soo many fasteners. and almost every time I ordered some, I forgot something else
- 3030 b-type and 4040 i-type have the same slot width but sometimes you get hammer nuts which are incompatible with the 3030
- don't just get the very cheapest slides from ebay. the second cheapest are much much better
- check for interference if you're mounting wheels under it, I can only fit the small ones because the lowest slide is higher than 30mm and interferes with the larger wheels.

Let's take a detour through 18.03 instead! Which ships Nix 2.x but also evaluates correctly with Nix 1.x, it seems

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The problem seems to be the Nix 2.0 release, as newer versions of nixpkgs require it, and 17.09 still has a Nix 1.x. Also for some reason mapAttrs is missing

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@vlrny My wishlist for #spoonieTown :

Universal Basic Income
Extremely good insulation & soundproofing in all buildings
dimmer switches installed within reach of every bed/seating area
All clothing labels are just printed, or made of very soft fabric & stitched into the seam.
Within walking distance (like 2 long blocks, 4 regular ones)) of every home there's a weather-tight outbuilding where you can drop off things you're done with (e.g. leftover yarn), and pick up things other people have dropped off. It also contains a community fridge & closet. Once a month, the contents are rotated between outbuildings.

#spoonieTown is a tag open for anybody, btw.
It's an imaginary place where we've already solved all the problems.
Drop your dreams here.

Let's see what happens when I try to upgrade a 17.09 system to 24.11

A slightly funny dimension to how strongly Iceland is associated with Viking culture is that the settlement of Iceland finished at around 930 CE and converted to Christianity in 1000 CE, so we were only pagan for a few decades of our history.

Tangent to LB: more user interfaces should treat icons like Valve treated the TF2 class silhouettes. At a glance, without paying attention, I should be able to tell different tools on a toolbar apart.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.